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January 22, 2020 16:01

ITS Achieved Best Contributor Award in PMMB BUMN 2019

Oleh : adminits | | Source : -

Arief Abdurrakhman (four from right) with the recipient of the award as the best contributor in the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) in Menara Mandiri, Jakarta.

ITS Campus, ITS News- good news comes in the early of 2020 for Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Achievement bought ITS this time was successfully ranked first as the best contributor in the internship at The Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) BUMN held by Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI).

The Program which is a form of student work skills is aimed at preparing superior human resources that are ready to compete globally. PMMB through link and match between industrial and college is expected to create highly competitive human resources.

The material exposure in Match Up PMMB BUMN 2020, Wednesday (15/1) yesterday, the beginning of the Internship Program is the era of Asean Economic Community (MEA) and President’s Nawa Cita. To increase people’s productivity and competitiveness.

Head of the Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Career Development ITS Arief Abdurrakhman ST MT added, PMMB initiated to overcome the inconsistency between the needs of the industry resources with the output of college graduates who are less competence.

Supporting ministerial regulation that has been established, ITS wants to take steps by establishing the Rector rules that arranging the internships. “With the legal basis to convert SKS apprentice students, students no longer need to leave for an internship that takes a long time,” Arief explained.

Achievements earlier this year, apparently not something pursued. This award, said Arief, was the first appreciation from two years after PMMB was held. According to him, being on the top of UGM and Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic as second and third positions will encourage ITS to improve the performance and quality of PMMB service at ITS.

Lecturer of the Departement of Instrumentation Engineering said, there are at least four points that make ITS superior based on observations of BUMN in PMMB. “In addition to being a pioneer in setting the Rector’s regulations related to the internship program, ITS coordinate well in the internal sphere of the campus as well as with FHCI and BUMN,” he explained.

The Trophy for ITS in the first place as the best contributor and responsiveness in PMMB in BUMN 2019

ITS also often contributed to the establishment of an internship curriculum in BUMN, especially in the realm of the machinery and electronics industry. “Another factor certainly came from his student who is active and contributive in six months of the internship,” he added.

With a variety of dynamics efforts to improve the quality of universities, not a few pieces of hard work that successfully picked ITS. “From a variety of perspectives, both students, lecturers, and alumni, all get the benefits of this PMMB,” called the lecturer of faculty of Vocational Schools.

The competency of the students will increase, so little by little can meet the criteria of industrial needs. “Knowledge, attitude, and skills will be honed and able to adapt quickly to the workforce,” he had. The facility is the conversion of SKS and obtaining an industry certificate also competence is another additional value.

Lecturers will also get rare opportunities, which can guide his students to jump directly into the workforce. From there, lecturers can evaluate from the field every three or six months during the program. “The research project offer will also emerge when the lecturer is visitation with the company,” he added.

Being an alumnus of 300 more campuses that follow PMMB also gives job opportunities come faster, even before graduation. “There will be less worried about the length of the waiting period, and will also be controlled by campus accreditation because of those things,” he said.

As a form of defense and to advance PMMB, an internship course was held throughout the department at ITS Vocational faculty. “In the non-vocational faculties, this course was also delivered in several departments,” he explained. Besides, the implementation of SKS conversion will be evaluated in each department in the year 2020.

Arief hopes that if in the previous year 166 certified Apprentice students, this year will be recorded more students following the internship program. “May this award will be a better start in 2020, and motivate campus academics to continue the achievements,” he concluded. (rev/ITS Public Relations)

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