ITS News

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February 01, 2020 17:02

ITS Maintains As Fourth-Best Site In Webometrics

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

ITS’s Secretary, Dr. Suhartono MSc when at his office

ITS Campus, ITS News – another achievement earned by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Within six months of the last rating, ITS back managed to maintain its fourth position in Webometrics Ranking of the Web of Universities in the January 2020 period in Indonesia.

ITS’s Secretary, Dr. Suhartono MSc revealed, ITS experiencing an improvement in position for this Webometrics since the January 2019 period. Webometrics itself is one of the systems for assessment of the advancement of the entire university or college in the world based on the university’s website.

Mentioned by the former head of the Department of Statistics ITS, there are at least four aspects of judgment underlying the rating. These aspects are presence, impact, openness, and excellence.

According to lecturers who are familiarly called Hartono this, in general, ITS likely to experience increasing rankings in webometrics rankings compared to years ago. Increases also occur in the Webometrics assessment aspects. In the Openness aspect, ITS increased from 1,602 to 923 in the world. Another aspect that has also increased is excellence, which rises from 2,032 to 1,418. “This is a tremendous improvement,” he said.

Openness itself means the number of document files under the domain of the university website captured by the search engines (Google Scholar). The number of these files will be represented by the college business in supporting the publication of research results in the repository. While excellence is the number of scientific articles in the publications concerned is indexed in the Scimago Institution Ranking and Google Scholar. “Including the number of quality academic papers, published in a journal that has an international reputation,” he explained.

Nevertheless, Hartono does not deny a decrease in rankings in some aspects of ITS Webometrics assessment. He explained that the aspect that has decreased is the presence and impact aspects. “Our presence rank dropped from 576 to 710 in the world rank, while the impact rating dropped from 913 to 1,203,” he said.

Hartono said it is a major concern. He explained the two aspects that experienced the decline rely heavily on rich files or the amount of content on the ITS website that attracts people to click and relate to the ITS weblink tag.

Currently, according to Hartono, the team that handles ITS international ranking has conducted a review for evaluation. The study focuses on seeing what can be improved so that the impact and presence aspects can be increased. Hopefully, the ranking of ITS in Webometrics will be increased in the world rankings, as in the national rankings. “It certainly requires synergy with lecturers, students and all of civitas academica, either at the institution or department,” he said. (fat/rev/ITS Public Relation)

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