ITS Campus, ITS News – became the lecturer of the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), did not obstruct Nugrahardi Ramadhani S.Sn., M.T. to stop pouring the scratches on his work. From comics that raised the story of police life doing their job, he managed to win the first place in the police comics competition held by Malang Traffic Policemen Unit (Satlantasres).
This man, who is familiarly called Dhani, reveals the achievement made from accidental events. From the recommendation of his friends who work in the Malang Department of Transportation suggested joining this comic contest. “I just want to try, because I came from Malang, also there is no limitation of age and I often create comic content on Instagram,” he explained.
To create this comic, Dhani claimed it didn’t take a long time. Starting from the creation until it is uploaded is very close to the deadline. “To create this comic I do in one night, in the night I made and sent it in the morning, then on that day is also the due date,” he said.
According to Dhani, the story is not far from his daily life to bring his children through Kenjeran street to Merr in Surabaya. He often finds the officers who are organizing the traffic while being photographed. Usually, some people will be prejudiced, thinking it is imaging to meet the operational procedure standard (SOP) to the employer or so on. “However, I chose to see that by exposing the hidden story of the incident,” he said.
An alumnus of the Faculty of Art and Design Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) is changing the path of its comic story by telling a similar police officer, and then reveals the response of two prejudiced people. But after that, the two people found out that the police had a weak child in the hospital bed and gave his son a spirit with the evidence of the picture of his father’s at work.
Continued, with the ProCreate app, Dhani tries to bring the comic atmosphere with a blue feel, unlike the other comic artists who participated in the competition. It does not use any other contrasting colors such as red, yellow, or other because on the blue color it saves the feel of a message disclosed from the author to the reader.
“When I try yellow or orange it doesn’t seem to fit, the color of contrast is usually like shouting something,” added the lecturer who likes making comics since middle school.
The Author of the comic that mostly raises social criticism hoping by the existence of this work, the community is able to reduce bad prejudice to others or other people. “Who knows there is something behind it, at least we need to think positively, in order to give impact to others,” he reminded. (zar/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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