ITS News

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April 18, 2020 12:04

ITS Distributes Tens of Thousands of Face Shield to 13 Provinces in Indonesia

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ITS Face Shield successfully administered to 13 provinces in Indonesia

ITS Campus, ITS News – The occurrence of the non-natural world pandemic, Covid-19, caused the sharp increase in the demand for Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical activities. In understanding and aid of that condition, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) successfully produced more than 70 thousand face shields, in which the 33 thousand of it have been administered to 13 provinces in Indonesia.

The thirteen provinces include East Java, Central Jaca, West Java, Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta, Southeast Sulawersi, Gorontalo, East Kalimantan, West Sumatra, South Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), South Kalimantan, Bali, and Aceh.

Head of the Integrated Digital Design Laboratory of the ITS Product Design Department, Djoko Kuswanto ST, revealed that the top priority recipients for the distribution of face shield are community health centers or hospitals, both government-owned or private enterprises, that have been designated as referred hospitals for Covid-19. In addition to that, field officers, police officers, clinic personnels, pharmacists, and other officers who are vulnerable to the Covid-19 transmission are also priorities for the allotment of ITS Face Shield.

The assembling process of ITS Face Shields, assisted by volunteers from the Scouts

Exclusive for hospitals or community health centers, ITS gives face shields for free. As for other parties, the ITS Face Shield can be obtained by giving donations that will also be employed for the next production batch of face shields. Other than that, ITS is also carrying out an open donation exclusively for the production of face shields through the link

ITS is very open to fulfill any party who is in urgent need of the ITS Face Shield. “For parties who are in need, directly contact me and prepare an official letter from any related parties,” uttered Djoko.

The working processes of the ITS Face Shield that are conducted outside of campus region, in several areas

This lecturer of the Product Design Department also emphasized that currently, ITS can produce up to around five to six thousand of face shields every day. In the production process, ITS collaborated with the Indonesian Printridi Association. Whereas the assembling and distribution process is assisted by volunteers consisting of students, alumni, and the community.

Numerous ITS students who volunteered to help in the assembling process of face shields

Djoko elaborated that in the future, ITS will limit the production of face shields to only 130 thousand. Furthermore, ITS will only manage the distribution process, with expectations and hopes that the production process can be carried out outside of ITS.

Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor IV for ITS Research, Innovation, Collaboration, and Alumni, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD, admitted that countless innovations continue to emerge from TS researched even during a lockdown. This shows the high awareness and concern from ITS as one of the best science and technology institutions, to be able to give a solution in the occurrence of a world pandemic.

One of the said innovations is the face shields, that are highly needed by medical personnel all throughout Indonesia. ITS is certainly very proud of Djoko Kuswanto and other contributors who have exerted the time and energy to help. This action has also inspired many parties, as seen from how many parties are currently helping in the supply of face shields for medical facilities. “Hopefully, with the increase in the number of face shield producers, the great national need can be very much fulfilled immediately,” he concluded. (sof/ory/ITS Public Relations)

ITS Face Shields that are successfully distributed to 13 provinces in Indonesia

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