ITS Campus, ITS News – The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) continues to play an active role in Student Study Service program through the Student Study Service program. Through the services of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM), 75 ITS students have succeeded in creating a website that is able to facilitate the marketing of processed products in Sidomulyo Village, Kediri City.
This website, named Sidomulyo Village, is an innovation from students of a joint class in the Technology Application course. The combination of classes number 18 and 40 consisting of students from the Mathematics Department, Civil Engineering Department, Geophysical Engineering Department, and Naval Architecture Engineering Department.
The making of this website is intended as a form of digitalization to facilitate the community of Sidomulyo Village in marketing their village products to a wider community. “Sidomulyo village has a certain geographical condition that has high potential to generate more money,” emphasized Ifarrel Rachmanda Hariyanto, a student representative of classes number 18 and 40, who was involved in the research.
This student who is familiarly called Aril elaborated on the reason behind choosing Sidomulyo Village as their research target. From Aril’s statement, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) 2019 reported that the per capita income data of Sidomulyo Village was the biggest compared to other villages in Kediri City. However, most residents choose to work as Indonesian Workers (TKI).
“From this, we can see and say that the people of Sidomulyo Village lack entrepreneurial spirit,” he revealed, concerned.
The existence of these problems encouraged classes number 18 and 40 to take advantage of the existing advanced technology, by creating a website. Consumers who buy processed products offered by Sidomulyo Village will be more diverse because because people all over Indonesia can easily access the website and buy the products.
“This innovation is very necessary given the large geographical potential of the village that should not go to waste,” added this student of the ITS Civil Engineering Department.
The creation process of the website was discussed through zoom
Aril menerangkan cara kerja situs web Desa Sidomulyo yang baginya cukup sederhana. Pada halaman utama situs, terdapat beberapa opsi bidang yang disediakan. Bidang-bidang tersebut adalah bidang pertanian, peternakan, kerajinan, dan olahan makanan. Selain itu, terdapat kontak narahubung produsen sehingga konsumen bisa berkomunikasi secara langsung apabila ingin bertanya seputar produk.
Dari sana, penduduk Desa Sidomulyo yang ingin memasarkan produknya cukup memilih bidang yang sesuai dengan target pasar mereka. Begitu pula bagi pembeli yang cukup memilih pada bidang yang dibutuhkannya. “Diharapkan kedepannya dapat diterapkan sebagai media pemasaran produk olahan unggulan khas Desa Sidomulyo,” jelas peraih juara dua pada kompetisi Business Plan SICD 2020 tersebut.
Lebih lanjut, ketua kelas 18, Azizah Wahyantika yang berasal dari Departemen Matematika turut menyebutkan beberapa komoditas unggulan Desa Sidomulyo. Beberapa diantaranya seperti sari buah, gethuk, keripik, dan kue-kue tradisional bisa dilihat langsung melalui tautan
Sementara itu, dosen pembimbing mata kuliah Wastek kelas 18 dan 40, Hendro Nurhadi Dipl Ing PhD mengatakan bahwa KKN ini merupakan program efektif dan bersifat saling menguntungkan untuk semua pihak. “Pemanfaatan website yang dikembangkan merupakan kompetensi utama yang dapat dikontribusikan ke masyarakat,” ungkap dosen yang akrab disapa Hendro ini.
This lecturer of the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering believes that the Sidomulyo Village website can improve the competitiveness of rural communities more effectively and efficiently. “On the other hand, for ITS, it shows that ITS students can directly utilize their competencies even through online media because science and technology are unfamiliar with space and time limits,” emphasized Hendro.
In the midst of all the limitations that come with the pandemic, Hendro believes that the Student Study Service program, when implemented online, has its own meaning. Innovation is the main keyword needed to increase progress and survive. “The big target of Student Study Service is hoping to open the door to greater innovations and positive benefits for the community in future times,” he concluded at the end of the interview. (jev/lut/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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