ITS Campus, ITS News – Corona virus outbreak is still thrilling the world today, including in Indonesia with the discovery of two citizens who have been declared positively infected. Beware of this, ITS as one of the education institutions in Indonesia issued a policy of delays while overseas activities as a form of anticipation of the spread of Corona viruses.
The Secretary of ITS Dr. Suhartono MSc said that the official announcement of the entry of the Corona virus into Indonesia became a form of vigilance that was anticipated for its spread. In the future, the institution is expected to be ready to respond to the impact of the corona virus.
“So a few days ago we (ITS executive board, red) issued a special policy for educators (lecturers, red) and students who do quite a lot of activities abroad,” he said.
The policy of temporary suspension of foreign service activities has actually delivered ITS to internal institutions much the day before the President submitted ITS official announcement on the entry of the Corona virus to Indonesia. The departure delay policy to the country affected by the Corona virus is ongoing until the country is declared safe. “ITS leadership will also continue to monitor the development of affected countries, so as to determine a special schedule to give permission to international activities,” he explained.
In addition to the impact of overseas activities, the entry of Corona viruses to Indonesia also impacts the visit from outside. This statistics lecturer said, on March 2, ITS had a guest arrival from Japan. As a form of anticipation of Corona virus distribution, ITS strives to consistently conduct health screening of overseas guests. “We were immediately directing guests to ITS Medical Center to be pre-fixed,” he said.
Although the health analysis of the guest is stated normal. However, Dr. Adji Bhayu Kurniadi as the head of the Medical Center at the time conveyed that Corona incubation period was 1-14 days. “Since the guest is only one night in Indonesia, the doctor recommends to postpone the visit until the guest’s health is assured after two weeks, and we take action as recommended,” explained Suhartono again.
Suhartono said, ITS leadership has also coordinated and agreed to cancel any form of visit from abroad, especially from the country affected by Corona virus. “Again, it is not intended to alienate or not to receive guests, but as a form of caution until later delivered the official announcement of the qualified institution about the safe overseas visits to Indonesia,” he asserted.
Meanwhile, the head of Public Communication Unit (UKP) ITS Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST. MMT also delivers, in the near term the unit through ITS official social media account will give a campaign about healthy living students and prevention of Corona viruses. “Our focus is to create better students, ranging from health aspects, safety driving, and so on,” she explained.
In line with the Anggra, Suhartono again conveyed that students as an intelligence agent must respond to this issue academically. That is to say, students should always be selective in accepting and disseminating all information related to Corona virus outbreak. “Do not believe in hoax news that can cause misunderstanding and panic in the community,” he said.
Suhartono hope, in the future Corona virus that began to infectsIndonesia, is not much to damage the community. He also said that the prevention of the effects of Corona virus in ITS is not only dependent on the institutions, but there is also a cooperation between all academic civitas. “With good cooperation, we will realize ITS better and be able to anticipate any impact that will be inflicted from the Corona virus,” he said hopefully. (sin/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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