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March 30, 2020 19:03

ITS Medical Center As The Spearhead To Face Covid-19 Pandemic

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Sterilization process for patients before entering ITS Medical Center Building

ITS Campus, ITS News-Medical Center Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as the first healthcare facility has a new policy to face of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). The support of the complete personal protective equipment (PPE) also adds to the readiness of the Medical Center as the first service provider for patients who are about to take medication.

Head of ITS Medical Center, Dr. Adji Bhayu Kurniadi explains that at this time 60 percent of Medical Center’s health workers are already equipped with APD in handling patients. The APD is a coverall jumpsuit similar to an astronaut jumpsuit, head cover, face protector, N95 mask, Handscoon, and boots. “We are very grateful with the help of this APD from ITS,” he said.

The Doctor who is familiarly called Bhayu also said that the APD is very meaningful to the medical personnel. Although it is not a hospital that is directly in contact with Covid-19 patients, the concern still arises. Patients who have this medication may have been infected with Covid-19 so that all preventive measures should be done. “Therefore, our medical personnel who have not got an APD shirt, are forced to wear a raincoat to be protected,” he said.

ITS Medical Center Longue Situation

Furthermore, said Bhayu, there is also a location difference in handling patients wishing to have medication. Formerly it was done at the front desk, now the patient will be selected in the building near the UGD. Then the patient will get a required form there. “The Form is to check if the patient is in monitoring (ODP) or not,” he explained.

Bhayu explained that the form contains a variety of questions that the patient suffered several days back. Like whether it has been out of the country, have met with people abroad, or people who have contracted with Covid-19 patients or patients in supervision (PDP). Then also check the condition of the patient if they have fever above 38 degrees celsius, feeling tired, cough, throat dry, and diarrhea. “If the majority of conditions correspond to the form, then the patient is declared ODP,” said the man who born in Jember.

Later, Bhayu added, after completing the form if it is declared ODP, then the patient will be advised to go directly to the Airlangga University Hospital (RSUA) and Public Health Center to take serious medication. If the results show is not ODP, then the patient can enter the main building and get treatment as needed. “For now polyclinic that is available (at the Medical Center ITS) is just a general poly, dental poly, and Maternal and Child Health Center (BKIA),” said Bhayu.

ITS Medical Center Lounge chairs that support physical distancing

Not only in the form of checking point, Bhayu stated that various policies in the medical Center also support physical distancing, to prevent the transmission of viruses. Among them is the chair in Medical Center distanced up to more than one meter. And for patients who just want to ask for hospital referrals and take medication, there is no need to enter into the building. “Taking the drug through the pharmacy window outside the building,” he said.

Checking process of ITS Medical Center patients

According to Bhayu, to maintain the effectiveness of the building also applied disinfectant every day after working hours. Medical Center ITS is currently open for eight hours until 4.00 pm for five days starting Monday according to the direction imposed by the Vice-Rector IV’s Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. “We also do sterilization with a disinfectant in patients who want to enter the building,” he explained.

Bhayu hopes that through rapid handling and appropriate procedures, they can provide treatment for the patients appropriately. With the addition of existing facilities, can improve the performance of the medical personnel in the service. “Hopefully the case of Covid-19 can be decreased immediately and the situation immediately improved,” Bhayu said with full of hope. (ai/rev/ITS Public Relations)

Dr. Adji Bhayu Kurniadi with APD suit

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