ITS Campus, ITS News – The first day of the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) 2020, at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) on Monday (7/20), was carried out whilst implementing the health protocol. There were 1,450 UTBK participants who took the test on this first day.
ITS Director of Education, Dr. Eng. Siti Machmudah, S.T., M.Eng., explained that ITS is hosting 7,250 UTBK participants in this second phase. On the first day, ITS hosted a total of 1,450 participants that were divided into two sessions. “In the first session, there were 725 participants and in the second session, there were also 725 participants,” she identified.
Furthermore, this lecturer, who is familiarly called Machmudah, explained that the implementation of the first day of UTBK at ITS went smoothly without any difficulties. All examination facilities, starting from the checkpoints, health protocol devices, to officers protected by Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are all well prepared. “Alhamdulillah, our second phase in conducting UTBK was neater and more orderly,” she said, gratefully.
Meanwhile, Machmudah elaborated that the total participants, who took the rapid tests on-site at ITS Plaza dr Angka Building on this first day, were 48 participants with 3 participants who resulted positive. Participants who were marked reactive were reported to the central committee and Covid-19 Task Force of Surabaya City Government.
Machmudah hopes that participants who were reactive are permitted to participate in the follow-up UTBK sessions on 28-29 July 2020 after resting and implementing self-quarantine. “But of course, we certainly leave the decision to the central committee, namely LTMPT,” she clarified.
Machmudah continued that ITS routinely sterilizes all facilities used by participants, starting from the rooms to the equipment that are needed daily for UTBK. “We spray and sterilize during the breaks after the first session has ended,” she mentioned.
In terms of the rooms used for this second phase of UTBK, she revealed that this time, ITS is only in cooperation with Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS) and the IT Telkom Surabaya campus. Meanwhile, for the previous first phase of UTBK, ITS was also in cooperation with Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). “But for this second phase, PENS was not willing to provide participants’ examination rooms for UTBK,” she stated.
In the end, this ITS Chemical Engineering Department lecturer hopes that the second UTBK conducted by ITS can run smoothly until its very last day of implementation. “I also hope that the participants are all healthy, that no one else will result in reactive anymore, and that participants can attend according to the schedule so that no one will miss the UTBK 2020 this time,” she concluded. (bob/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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