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Saturday, January 04, 2025
July 25, 2020 20:07

AUTOVID, ITS Media Provides Design Training For COVID-affected Communities

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITSOnline

Sholihin ST MT, an AutoCAD trainer, when delivering material at the first online meeting Friday (10/7).

ITS Campus, ITS News — the application of a new phase of the in the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a variety of behavioral changes in society. One of them is having to learn and work from home. However, the program is still not maximized. Addressing this, the laboratory of structures, materials, and production of the Department of Ocean Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated AUTOVID as an AutoCAD training medium that can help communities affected by Covid-19.

AUTOVID’s designers and conceiver, Madi ST. MT explained that this training was a form of support from the Department of Ocean Engineering professionals to the government program to learn from home. This activity is also one of ITS efforts to help reduce the occurrence of social vulnerability. “As well as the realization of one of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education, Research and Community Service) is to serve the community,” said Madi, his familiar greeting.

Madi, also explaining at least the training will be held in four meetings online with a prepared material curriculum, beginning on Friday, (10/7). “Once at the first meeting we introduced the basic engineering drawings, at this second meeting we will start drawing with AutoCAD software,” said Master graduate of Maritime Energy Management, and Engineering ITS.

Also, until the final evaluation time, AUTOVID training will teach you how to arrange images, scales, and design printing. The material will be provided directly by an expert trainer from the Department of Ocean Engineering ITS, Sholihin ST MT, supported by other people such as Ir Imam Rochani MSc, Ir Handayanu MSc Ph.D., instructor Herman Pratikno ST MT Ph.D., and Nur Syahroni ST MT Ph.D. “To facilitate the participants, they are also provided with learning materials in the form of a free tutorial AutoCAD module for each meeting that can be accessed through the page , “he added.

Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo ST MT Ph.D., chairman of the Structure, Material, and Production of Ocean Structures Laboratory of the Department of Ocean Engineering when delivering his greetings

AUTOVID training has become more interesting because participants are will also equipped with tasks such as building floor plans but will also be awarded to those who consistently attend and pass the final evaluation stage. It can be seen from the enthusiasm of more than 45 participants from various regions in Indonesia who tried to participate in this training program.

Moreover, the economic condition factor that makes the unemployment rate increase. According to Madi, it became an important point of training AUTOVID, for those who are in the red zone. People affected by the Covid-19 will be able to feel the direct benefits of this activity in the form of design training.

“We hope with this training, insight in the field of engineering drawings can grow in the community to produce more design experts,” said this Co-Founder of @autocadcovid.

Participants who participated in this activity can also make his skills as business tools in the field of design. Especially during the current pandemic conditions. “That way, the harmony between ITS and the community becomes more intense, so ITS will be easier to improve the education and economy in Indonesia,” he concluded. (qaf/lut/rev)

Madi ST MT, moderator of the AUTOVID on last Friday (10/7)

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