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June 28, 2020 23:06

MT ITS Encourages Case Study-Based Teaching Through Workshops

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : ITS Online

Prof. Saibal Ray of McGill University Canada when delivering his lecture on teaching and learning method using case studies

ITS Campus, ITS News — In order to improve the quality of teaching method of lecturers based on case studies, the Department of Technology Management of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember held a workshop entitled Teaching Post Experience Student. This event was held online with the honorable Prof. Saibal Ray from McGill University Canada as the guest speaker on Friday (6/26).

In his remarks, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ), Imam Baihaqi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., revealed that the workshop was aimed to give a clear explanation to MT lecturers about case study-based teaching method. “This workshop is very important for MT lecturers to gain the strategies on how to get students to experience real problems that might occur in the field and provide them the understanding of how certain theories can be allocated in response to the issue,” he emphasized.

On the same occasion, the Head of the ITS Technology Management Department, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., also added that this workshop was held annually by the ITS Technology Management Department. Expert professors from renowned business schools are also invited and trusted to be speakers in this activity. “Starting from the National University of Singapore, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Australia, and followed by McGill University Canada in this year’s event,” he identified when interviewed by the ITS Online Team.

According to this man familiarly called Nyoman, this workshop was expected to help MT ITS lecturers to be more accustomed to using case studies in the teaching and learning process, just like what is implemented by management schools abroad. It is hoped that there will be a significant change in the teaching and learning method starting next semester. “We will definitely facilitate lecturers who are in need of more case studies, not to mention that iTS Technology Management students will also receive positive benefits if this process goes well,” he stated.

Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., as the Head of ITS Technology Management Department and the host of the Teaching Post Experience Student workshop

In addition, Nyoman added that there were different challenges when teaching regular students with MT ITS students. The field of studies taught are more focused on the management aspect, so there is a need for a different approach by the lecturers who the majority are of technical or scientific background. “One of the common strategies used in the teaching and learning process in management schools is the use of case studies, as taught in this workshop,” he further clarified.

Furthermore, Imam Baihaqi supported his statement by saying that the Technology Management program has its own uniqueness. Most of the students are actually professionals who are employed but still has a huge spirit to improve their competence. An appropriate mix of practice and theory is much needed when teaching this class. “For this reason, the Technology Management Department always conducts workshops, because we are committed to giving the best to students,” he stated confidently.

Finally, Imam Baihaqi hoped that the case study-based learning method can improve students’ critical thinking skills. “This is in accordance with the principles of teaching in the Department of Technology Management, namely to learn how to think and learn how to learn so that students are able to adapt to future changes that most likely occur,” he concluded. (sin/lut/ory/ITS Public Relations)

Imam Baihaqi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., when delivering his remarks during the Teaching Post Experience Student workshop conducted by the ITS Technology Management Department

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