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June 28, 2020 23:06

Gain International Experience at ITS Mechanical Engineering Department

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : ITS Online

Dr. Ir. Atok Setiyawan, M.Eng.Sc., Head of the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department, when giving opening remarks in the open talk on International Programs at ITS Mechanical Engineering

ITS Campus, ITS News — Nowadays, students compete with one another to enrich their experience and knowledge at an international scale. In support of this, the Department of Mechanical of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya conducted an open talk of education and research through a webinar entitled International Programs at ITS Mechanical Engineering. The event, which was held on Friday (6/26), thoroughly discussed opportunities in the aspects of education and collaborative research of ITS Mechanical Engineering with overseas university partners.

In this session, the areas of discussion are more focused on the socialization of ITS Mechanical Engineering profile and reputation to the public, especially to students who are still at the Senior High School (SMA). Other than that, information on international education programs as well as collaborations with several university partners was also delivered as a reference for students who wish to continue their studies.

In his remarks, Dr. Ir. Atok Setiyawan, M.Eng.Sc., as the Head of the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department emphasized that there was no need for hesitation to be involved in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The scope of Mechanical Engineering is very broad, not exclusive to automotive or auto-workshop as many people know think. “We wish to change the public’s common perspective of mechanical engineering, which not only relies on muscle but definitely also requires brainpower,” he stated while delivering his lecture.

This man familiarly called Atok mentioned that with the recent status change of ITS into a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), ITS is trusted by the government to compete at an international level. To achieve this, several departments, including ITS Mechanical Engineering, opened international class programs this year with the language of instruction being English, the universal language. “With this effort, we hope that students can graduate with a mastery of competencies that allows them to compete in the global market,” he expressed.

Furthermore, Atok reminded that ITS Mechanical Engineering also has a myriad of proud achievements, one of which is the Sapu Angin Team. The team is focused heavily on the development of energy-efficient cars which was proven by the team’s numerous positive records in many variations of competitions at both national and international scales.

Suwarno, Ph.D., Secretary of the Department of ITS Mechanical Engineering Department in Academic and Research, when presenting his lecture

To further highlight the topic, the Secretary of the Department of ITS Mechanical Engineering in Academic and Research, Suwarno, Ph.D., elaborated that there are three international programs offered by ITS Mechanical Engineering Department. Among them are the International Undergraduate Program (IUP), Joint Degree with German Wismar University partners, and Double Degree with National Central University (NCU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) for post-graduate studies.

This lecturer who completed his graduate degree at the Technische Universität Hamburg explained that as for international classes, there would certainly be the involvement of experts in teaching certain lessons. Other than that, students will also be trained to tackle problems in the industrial world and collaborate internationally. “For the time being, IUP is pursued by Indonesian students, but we certainly will not rule out the possibility of attracting foreign students in the future,” he explained.

Suwarno revealed that as for the Joint Degree program, some lessons on fundamental mechanics will be taken over by Wismar University with a renewable energy approach. “In the upcoming future, representatives from Wismar University will come to teach on the ITS campus, and on the other hand, our students will go to Germany for internships and so on,” identified the man who had studied at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

At the end of the open talk of International Programs at ITS Mechanical Engineering, Atok suggested that for students who want to gain internationalization experience and compete at the international level, ITS Mechanical Engineering is the right choice. “The quality of ITS Mechanical Engineering graduates has been accepted internationally and has produced many successful graduates that work in various fields,” concluded Atok. (meg/lut/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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