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August 04, 2020 13:08

ITS Student Design A Ship To Deliver Covid-19 Patient

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KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

3D Design of KM Tamanna by ITS Nawasena team to deliver Covid-19 patients

ITS Campus, ITS News – Innovation works to help the handling of patients Covid-19 produced by students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This time Nawasena Team from the Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Maritime Technology (FTK) succeeded in the design of the ship designs of KM Tamanna to deliver Covid-19 patients from the islands that do not have adequate health facilities and services.

The ideas by Yohanes Pangestu Timur, Kevin Rizqul Habib, Bima Surya Wicaksana and Imam Anthony Muslim were designed according to the rules of the competition followed in the event of innovative and inspirational application competition (LAI2)-Covid-19, sub contest Transporter Ship, which is a suitable ship design to be applied in the islands in Indonesia at a wave height of 1-1.25 meters.

Yohanes Pangestu Timur as the head of the team revealed, the ship designed to be able to carry three patients and six medical teams and must have a safety interior design for the passengers as for installation of a secure ventilation system. “Also, there are other requirements such as the maximum depth to which a ship is immersed in water is two meters, and also the design should be quick in operation to handle the patient,” said this student

KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

The leader of ITS Nawasena team, Yohanes Pangestu Timur shows the design of the KM Tamanna for Covid-19 patients

Further, Yohanes explains, KM Tamanna, which means hope and shaped like a giant capsule has advantages and specifications that are capable of the comfort and safety of patients, medical teams, and crew members. “Taken from Sansekerta language, KM Tamanna means hope, a liaison hope for Covid-19 patients who are on an island with a medical team,” he said.

The ship that won the runner up on the LAI2 Covid-19 consisted of three decks; main deck, poop deck, and a navigation deck. Having the main dimension with a length of 40 meters, a width of 10.5 meters, and a draught of 1 meter, the vessel has a service speed of 25 knots and is driven by the 2 x 900 HP engine and azimuth propulsion.

KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

Liferaft illustration at KM Tamanna

The Head of the team who familiarly called Timur also explained that the advantages of KM Tamanna are designed to have catamaran hull and have the ability to beaching, so as to lean without a dock, also has good stability in static and mobility. “Equipped with solar panels, so as to save power generators of 35 percent,” Timur Explained.

There is also the Air Handling Unit (AHU) to regulate the air circulation on the ship, each room on the ship will be supplied with AHU and exhaust treatment so the air will be disposed of using a negative pressure fan that passes by utilizing the ship funnel. It will kill viruses in the air, and making it safe when disposed to the environment.

KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

Member of ITS Nawasena Team, Kevin Rizqul Habib with design of KM Tamanna

The Interior of KM Tamanna is designed to maximize the service and safety of patients and medical personnel. There are three doors from the side and front, and five disinfectants room in each entrance and exit of the room which could potentially spread the virus. The working area is also divided between the medical team and the vessel crew to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

In terms of safety, Timur explained that there is an emergency ladder that can be used for faster evacuation of patients and a manual crane that serves to lower the patient to the liferaft. There are two different liferafts namely patient liferaft and nurse guard, and liferaft crew and medical team. “Both liferaft are connected using ropes and equipped with emergency machines as a liferaft drive,” he explained.

Timur explained that KM Tamanna equipped with a laboratory on board so that it can be further diagnosed to the patient and to detect people who have been in contact with the patient whether reactive or not. “We also equip the ship with Hatch lifts to accommodate food and medicine from the poop deck to the main deck to reduce the spread of the virus,” he added.

KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

Member of ITS Nawasena Team, Imam Anthony Muslim with the design of KM Tamanna

For the facility of the medical team, he explained, in KM Tamanna there are B3 throw and APD throw to dispose of B3 garbage dense and to remove the APD to the incinerator space that will further be burned to kill viruses attached to the APD. “There are liquid B3 waste tanks and sewage with a heater to kill viruses on the waste,” he explained.

Not only that, but Timur also explained for the patient’s service there is an ambulance facility that serves to pick up and transport patients infected by Covid-19. As well as in the patient room there is a glass monitor from the patient room. “KM Tamanna itself already has 52.3 percent internal component level (TKDN)” said this young man.

KM Tamanna rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

Member of Team Nawasena, Bima Surya Wicaksana, with the design of KM Tamanna

In the event held by ITS Directorate of Student Affairs, ITS Nawasena Team competed with 40 other teams, with five judges from the naval architecture and medical fields. Timur and his team in preparing for KM Tamanna by maximizing its capabilities. “There are many obstacles, from the online cooperation that have to wait for the other, and need to be extra careful in seeing the changing guides,” he said.

In the end, Timur expects of this competition, the work they have made can be one of the solutions to reduce Covid-19 pandemic on the islands that do not have a health facility with fast and safe service. “Especially the medical team is no longer a victim of this pandemic,” said Timur. (zar/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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