ITS News

Wednesday, January 01, 2025
August 04, 2020 14:08

ITS Method To Fulfill Qurban In This Pandemic

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITS Online

Chairman of the Committee for the Qurban Iduladha MMI, Drs Wahyuddin MEI at Slaughterhouse (RPH) Pegirian Surabaya

ITS Campus, ITS News – Covid-19 Pandemic did not discourage the spirit of the Manarul Ilmi Mosque (MMI) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to perform the Qurban worship. Different from the usual, sacrificial animal slaughtering is supported by policies to maintain the safety of worshippers.

Chairman of the Committee of the Iduladha feast day 1441 Hijri MMI ITS, Drs Wahyuddin MEI said this year, slaughtering of Qurban animal was done in the slaughterhouse (RPH) area Pegirian Surabaya. This policy was taken to preserve the safety of the worshippers during the pandemic. “Moreover, it can also facilitate the committee because the meat is wrapped per kilogram,” he said.

He continued, the MMI received a mandate of seven cows and 26 goats from the Shohibul Qurban or a qurban performer. “Also, we get an additional one cow from Bank Syariah Mandiri, “said the lecturer who commonly called Wahyuddin.

Qurban support from Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Related distribution, the division of qurban meats from eight cows to the ITS environment was carried out on Saturday (1/8). A total of 200 qurban meat coupons are allocated to ITS daily freelancing which is under the Bureau of Facilities and Infrastructure, as well as security officers and garbage workers in some ITS lecturer housing. “The remaining 500 coupons were distributed in the areas of Gebang, Sempayung, Keputih, Kejawan, and Damen,” he explained.

Distribution of Qurban meat on regional representatives in the Manarul Ilmi Mosque.

To avoid crowds of masses, coupon receivers do not have to come to redeem their meat rights at the MMI. However, the qurban meat that is ready to be distributed will be sent directly to the representatives of each of the residents in the village around ITS. “It can minimize the constraints that exist in the COVID-19 pandemic,” added the lecturer of Social and Humanities ITS.

Besides being distributed to the community around the campus, 26 goats received by ITS MMI is sent to the outside areas of Surabaya, such as Ngawi, Jombang, Blitar, and Malang. To facilitate the distribution, the goat is accepted by the Committee in cash and slaughtering by local representatives. “For accountability to worshippers and Shohibul Qurban, we give documentation,” said Wahyuddin.

Slaughtered of qurban meat that will be distributed in the Ngawi Regency area.

Regarding the quantity of qurban meat, Wahyuddin admitted that this year the number is quite reduced compared to last year. The previous reason, ITS MMI sacrificial committee received 12 cows and 58 goats. “If there is a decline, we remain in good prejudices and believe that the worshippers who this year no longer fulfill their qurban in the MMI are still fulfilling the qurban elsewhere,” he concluded.(tri/hen/rev)

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