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August 05, 2020 22:08

Three ITS Lecturers Passed World Class Professor Program 2020

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ITS World Class Professor 2020

One of ITS lecturers who successfully passed the World Class Professor (WCP) 2020 program, Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc from Department of Informatics

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to improve its competence and create a resounding achievement. This time proved by the achievement of three lecturers who successfully won the World Class Professor (WCP) 2020 Grant Program held by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) through the Director-General of Higher Education (DIKTI).

Announced by Dikti at the end of last July, from a total of 34 lecturers in Indonesia which were declared to pass the interview selection and become the recipient of the WCP program also listed three of ITS lecturers names.

The three people are Dr. rer pol Dedy Dwi Prastyo MSi of the Department of Statistics, Subchan SSi MSc Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics, and Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc from the Department of Informatics.

The WCP program itself is a program that provides opportunities for domestic lecturers to collaborate and network with world-class professors.

The invited professors will be visiting and being placed in colleges in Indonesia, while the domestic party will also send Indonesian researchers to the institution of visiting professors, “it was done during the maximum period until next November,” explained by one of the recipients of the program, Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc.

ITS World Class Professor 2020

Subchan MSc PhD, lecturer of Department of Mathematics ITS who succeeded in entering the World Class Professor 2020 Program

The woman who is familiarly called Yuhana continues, in this program, they can be done several activities, namely joint publication in international journals that have the Q1 or Q2 index among Indonesian and WCP researchers, cooperation between WCP agencies and propositions, conducting a seminar or workshop activities as well as the student supervision of S3.

In her submission proposal titled World Class Professor Program in Assessing Student Competency for Rudimentary Education due to Covid-19 Outbreak, Yuhana invited Professor Wenny Rahayu from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

In relation to Indonesian diaspora professor, Yuhana plans to hold several webinars and workshops around Big Data and tips around international publications and joint research to hold an MoU between ITS and La Trobe.

In the design of the activities, the 1979-born lecturer involved several members of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC), among others, Prof Mauridhi Hery Purnomo, Dr. Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, Dr. Siti Rochimah, Siska Arifiani SKom MKom, and two doctoral students of Department of Electrical Engineering and one doctoral student of Department of Informatics.

Yuhana hopes her contributions in this activity will be able to bring her to the world scene and realize ITS pace of being a world-class university. “This year the activity is still implemented even online. It can certainly reduce the risk of exposure in this pandemic, ” said this Director of Technology Management and Information Systems ITS

Other names that qualify for this program are Subchan MSc Ph.D. Consisting of Dr. Dieky Adzkiya, Dr. Tahiyatul Asfihani, and Hendro Nurhadi Ph.D., this lecturer of Department of Mathematics also invited Professor Seungkeun Kim from Chungnam National University, Korea.

ITS World Class Professor 2020

Lecturer of Department of Statistics ITS, Dr rer pol Dedy Dwi Prastyo M Si, the one who successfully won the World Class Professor’s Grant Competition 2020

Through its proposal titled Quality Improvement of Publication and Internationalization through the World Class Professor Program, Subchan designed an internationalization strengthening Program by collaborating with The Center Of Science And Technology (PUI) — the Mechatronics and Industrial Automation colleges — The Research Centre ITS. “Activities to be carried out include the writing of scientific publications, guidance, and workshops together,” he said.

The man who is also the head of the Department of Mathematics is hoping that his proposal will bring benefits and advance to the next step, although all activities must be carried out through online media.

The same is a proposal that successfully entered in this grant competition, through his proposal titled strengthening Research and Publication of International Journal of Data analysis at ITS through WCP Program, Dr rer pol Dedy Dwi Prastyo, MSi invited Prof Dr. Muhammad Hisyam Lee from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Consisting of Dr. Suhartono MSc from the same department, the Department of Statistics lecturer will conduct several seminars and workshops with the target participants from the field of statistics and data analysis in Indonesia.

The other agenda is the discussion of scientific publications through discussion and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) “Because of the pandemic, all activities will be done through the online meetings,” said lecturer who came from Pacitan.

In response to his achievements, Dedy admitted that he and the team felt grateful. Although its activities must be carried out through online media due to the pandemic period, he hopes that those activities bring the same magnitude of benefits. “Hopefully it can help the development of science and achieve ITS target in internationalization,” he ended.(rys/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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