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August 19, 2020 23:08

ITS Collaborates to Develop Singhasari SEZ

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ITS dan PT Intelegensia Grahatama Menyepakati Kerjasama Pengembangan KEK Singhasari

ITS and PT Intelegensia Grahatama agreed on a collaboration in developing Singhasari SEZ

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) explored collaboration with PT Intelegensia Grahatama in development of the Singhasari Special Economic Zone (SEZ). ITS is expected to be the main source in contributing various technological innovations to Singhasari SEZ through a memorandum of understanding signed at ITS Rectorate Building on Wednesday (19/8).


ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., warmly welcomed this collaboration considering that there were so many technological innovations from ITS that can be utilized and further developed. This agreement of cooperation was certainly a real action of ITS in efforts to recover the national economy through the development of SEZ. “It is hoped that we can actualize it through the many potential we have,” he stated.


ITS itself innovated various technology inventions to help deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Furthermore, through this cooperation, it is certainly an opportunity for ITS to develop numerous and promising technologies that may handle other issues. “I hope this cooperation can seep into other fields, which can provide benefits to the community,” he conveyed.


Singhasari SEZ was actually one of the new SEZs in Indonesia. In general, this area will have two main zones, namely a tourism zone and a technology development zone. This area is arguably potential because it is located close to the Bromo Tengger Semeru Tourism Area. “Singhasari SEZ is also predicted to be the first SEZ in Indonesia with technological potential,” identified David Santoso, President Director of PT Intelegensia Grahatama.


David elaborated that Singhasari SEZ will have an integrated digital ecosystem with three main subjects, such as Singhasari Digital Valley, Singhasari Digital Factory, and Singhasari Cloud Innovation Center. “The three subjects will certainly require further development and assistance from ITS,” he added.

Jajaran pimpinan ITS dan perwakilan PT Intelegensia Grahatama berfoto bersama usai penandatanganan MoU di Rektorat ITS

ITS executive board members and representatives of PT Intelegensia Grahatama took a group photo after signing the MoU at the ITS Rectorate

Singhasari SEZ is also the only SEZ managed by a private sector. This SEZ also targeted to become a technology development center so that it can be later commercialized and become Indonesia’s advantage. “ITS as PTNBH, who owns several Science Technoparks, will be very profitable by emerging in a wider market as well as establishing more professional cooperation,” he expressed.


David also said that Singhasari SEZ also collaborated with many local stakeholders who captured the many potentials of Indonesian youth. With the construction of this SEZ, it is hoped that it will become an innovative concrete action to foster the technological trend in Indonesia. “By recruiting ITS students, it is hoped that later this SEZ can grow their potential in the field of technology,” he concluded. (sep/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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