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September 18, 2020 10:09

ITS Provides Essential Information for New Students in College

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Suasana ruang virtual meeting zoom IPITS pada gugus XX

IPITS virtual zoom meeting on cluster XX

ITS Campus, ITS News – Ahead of the odd semester lecture at ITS, there is much to know about the new students of the class of 2020 for the smooth running of their lectures in ITS. Therefore, ITS held an activity titled Information and Introduction its (IPITS) held online for two days, starting Thursday (17/9).

IPITS is a routine activity organized by ITS for new students every year. This event was held with the aim of providing information about the academic, facilities, activities, and policies applicable in ITS.

In addition to technical things, IPITS also does not forget to give fighting spirit by giving advice to increase the motivation of new students in studying. “ITS students must be competent, thanks to the industrial revolution 4.0 there will be six million jobs lost but there will be 24 million new jobs emerging. Make sure you can all adapt to the 24 million,” said Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc, Director of Technology Development and Information Systems (DPTSI) ITS who fills the IPITS material in one of the clusters.

IPITS also explained one of the policies recently issued by the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) namely Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MB-KM). That is a response to the change in the college paradigm. “If it used to be, the purpose of the college was to get a job, now the goal is to create jobs. It used to focus only on education, now the focus is on academics, research, innovation, vocational and profession,” explained Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc as the filler of MB-KM materials in the same cluster.

Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc saat menjelaskan materi MB-KM pada IPTIS gugus XX

Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc when explaining MB-KM material in IPTIS cluster XXThis professor of Marine Engineering continues, one of the most visible things in the application of MB-KM in ITS that will be felt by students is the right to take courses outside the course for three semesters. “Students will have the right to take a maximum of 40 SKS outside of their college for two semesters and can take sks in different schools in the same college as much as one semester and this can be taken or not,” said Ketut again.

He added, according to the Guidebook of MB-KM Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Directorate General) of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2020 there are eight activities that students can do outside their program. The activities in question are student exchange, internship, a teaching assistant in education unit, research, humanitarian project, entrepreneurship, study or independent project, and thematic KKN.

Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc mengawali IPITS di gugus XX dengan memaparkan profil ITS

Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc initiated IPITS in cluster XX by presenting ITS profile

“These activities will be converted into sks required by students. This policy is made on the principle of not bothering students at all,” he added.

In addition, IPITS on this first day also emphasizes to new students to have ethics during their college life. Some of the ethics in academics include honesty and respect for science and the arts. Also in nonacademic activities such as social norms.

Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc (pojok kanan atas) saat memaparkan profil ITS pada IPITS bagi mahasiswa baru ITS

Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc (top right corner) when presenting ITS profile on IPITS for ITS freshman

ITS also provides a sense of security to students by providing direction if the student sees or experiences a violation of the rules set by ITS. In addition, security in carrying out academic activities such as practicum through campus safety and safety culture materials.

On the second day tomorrow, IPITS will discuss the internationalization activities available in ITS, as well as about student organizations and extracurriculars. In addition, students will also be provided with information on technology development facilities, environmental awareness, and preparedness for disasters, as well as preparedness for New Normal adaptations. (ri/Anjani/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER)

Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc (pojok kanan atas) menjelaskan perbedaan paradigma pendidikan tinggi pada materi MB-KM di gugus XX IPITS

Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc (top right corner) explains the difference in the paradigm of higher education in MB-KM material in the XX IPITS cluster

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