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October 08, 2020 14:10

Two RAISA Robot Units Ready for Duty at RSI Surabaya

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) saat menjelaskan fitur RAISA kepada Direktur RSI Surabaya - Ahmad Yani dr H Samsul Arifin MARS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) explaining RAISA features to the Director of RSI Surabaya – Ahmad Yani dr H Samsul Arifin MARS

ITS Campus, ITS News – Robot Medical Assistant ITS – Unair (RAISA) is back here to assist health workers in dealing with Covid-19 patients. This time, ITS together with PT Pertamina handed over two RAISA units to Surabaya Islamic Hospital (RSI) – Ahmad Yani at ITS Robotics Center Building, Thursday (8/10).

In his speech, ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that this is the third time raisa robots have been ordered by Pertamina Group through PT ITS Tekno Sains. RAISA was handed over to help health workers at RSI Surabaya – Ahmad Yani.

According to this professor of Electrical Engineering, there are two types of Raisa robots submitted to RSI Surabaya. Which is raisa version of HCU space and ICU room version. “Even though it’s different, the two have the same principle of usability that is equipped with multimedia for communication with patients,” said the rector who is often called Ashari.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) menyerahkan secara simbolis robot RAISA kepada C D Sasongko, General Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V di Gedung Pusat Robotika ITS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) symbolically handed over the RAISA robot to C D Sasongko, General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V at its Robotics Center Building

In addition, Ashari added, for HCU aimed at patients who are still conscious, RAISA will bring various equipment needed by patients such as medicine, food, to clothes. But there are additional on-demand features such as features to measure body temperature to measure oxygen levels in patients. “RAISA robots can also open doors automatically if the hospital door has been added complementary equipment,” he explained.

So far, according to Ashari, ITS has produced as many as 12 RAISA robots and to date has been used spread across six hospitals. Among them Unair Hospital, Dr Soetomo Hospital, Husada Utama Surabaya Hospital, Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital, Wisma Atlet Jakarta Emergency Hospital, and the latest is RSI Surabaya. “We will always ready for production with a capacity of 20 robots per month,” said Ashari.

Penyerahan secara simbolik RAISA oleh C D Sasongko, General Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V (kanan) kepada dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, Direktur RSI Surabaya - Ahmad Yani

Symbolic handover of RAISA by C D Sasongko, General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V (right) to dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, Director of RSI Surabaya – Ahmad Yani

Looking at the responses from various hospitals that stated to be very helped by raisa’s presence, Ashari asked to be reciprocated in the form of criticism and constructive advice for raisa robot performance going forward. It is intended that RAISA can always upgrade according to the necessary circumstances. “ITS mentoring and services will always be there for the smooth operation of RAISA in the hospital,” he said.

In response to Ashari, dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, Director of RSI Surabaya A Yani, expressed his happiness that RSI can collaborate with technology. Raisa’s presence is highly anticipated and will have a major impact on RSI because it can reduce the frequency of health workers’ contact with Covid-19 patients.

Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) saat menjelaskan fitur RAISA kepada dr H Samsul Arifin MARS (tengah) dan C D Sasongko

Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) while explaining raisa features to dr H Samsul Arifin MARS (centre) and C D Sasongko

To date, about 750 Covid-19 patients have been treated at RSI. 500 recovered, approximately 160 patients died, and the remaining patients still being treated in isolation rooms were 65 – 70 patients. With grief, Samsul Arifin also said that there were as many as 60 health workers infected with Covid-19 while on duty. “We believe RAISA can maximize our performance in dealing with Covid-19 patients,” he said.

Samsul Arifin said that these two RAISA robots will be placed in two different spaces according to the specifications, namely HCU and ICU space. The hospital’s enthusiasm for raisa’s arrival was demonstrated by RSI sending six representatives of its health workers to attend raisa operation training on October 3. “Once we get to the hospital, RAISA will be used immediately,” he said.

(dari kiri) dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT, dan C D Sasongko

(from left) dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT, and C D Sasongko

Meanwhile, C D Sasongko, General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V is also very pleased with the innovations that ITS has innovated. This time it is Pertamina’s CSR which is the second time by reaching raisa robot. Previously, it was csr to Husada Utama Hospital. “Who else if not the medical side should be supported,” he concluded. (ai/Anjani/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER)

(dari kiri) Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng,, drg Laily Rachmawati Sp Perio, dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, dan C D Sasongko

(from left) Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng,, drg Laily Rachmawati Sp Perio, dr H Samsul Arifin MARS, and C D Sasongko

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