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Tips to Build Teamwork

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : ITS Online

Illustration about teamwork (source:

ITS Campus, ITS News Teamwork is a huge factor in realizing an organization’s vision. Through good teamwork, an effective work system can be formed in order to achieve goals. Thus, the founder of the Waste Solution Hub, Ranitya Nurlita, shared tips on how to build good teamwork.

For Lita, as she is familiarly called, knowing yourself is the main asset before building teamwork. By understanding one’s potential, it can help in determining one’s life plan. “The existence of a life plan will encourage someone to continue to be ambitious,” emphasized this environmental movement activist.

Later, this ambition will make it easier for someone to self-actualize. Namely, the desire to use all of his abilities to achieve what he wants to have, what he wants to do, and what he wants to leave. “Actualization is important for a leader so that he will continue to be motivated to build teamwork,” he added.

In the actualization process, someone must form a vision of life. This vision will mirror the way a person thinks and acts. In shaping the vision, Lita revealed the importance of reaching the sweet spot or midpoint. “The sweet spot is a slice between ability, opportunity, and passion,” she said.

When successfully determining a life plan and vision, a person can join an organization that supports the achievement of self-targets. There, it is highly recommended to cultivate friendships, the ability to work in teams, and relationships. “At this stage, the organization becomes a means of building good teamwork,” she said.

Talking about good teamwork, Lita mentioned the existence of a gradual method to make this happen. The first is SMART or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. “This method can encourage us to create specific goals, measurable, achievable, and have a certain time span,” added this veiled woman.

Furthermore, there is a Project Charter that examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that come from within and outside. There is also a Design Thinking method in the form of a diagram showing the trial and error flow. “That way we will find the best strategy for implementing the team project that will be worked on,” added the founder of

This woman from Bojonegoro Regency also explained about the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and U Theory. Through BMC, team members can see the project’s condition comprehensively. Meanwhile, through U theory, team members will learn to let go of their egos for the sake of creating ideal cooperation. “As a team, we must be able to be open-minded, open-hearted and open willed,” he explained.

These tips were shared in a webinar entitled Great Leader Comes From Great Teamwork in a series of Chemistry Week events from the Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), last September. It is hoped that every participant present can apply it in social life. (ai/hen/ory)

Ranitya Nurlita when giving a presentation on the webinar “Great Leader Comes From Great Teamwork”

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ITS Media Center > Latest News > Tips to Build Teamwork