ITS News

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October 15, 2020 23:10

Nearing the AUN-QA Visitation, ITS Runs English Language Lessons

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : ITS Online

Face-to-face classes with the academic staff of the Department of Material Engineering with an online synchronous system in preparation of AUN-QA visitation

ITS Campus, ITS News Various preparations were made by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in welcoming the international accreditation of the Asean University Network-Quality Assessment (AUN-QA), which will soon be conducting a visitation. One of them was by conducting an English language training program for academic staff (tendik), as organized by the Centre for Languages and Cultures ITS.

AUN-QA is an international certification body for quality assurance of higher education within ASEAN countries. Therefore, this visitation is a golden opportunity for ITS to further prove and upgrade its quality on an international scale. This year, ITS proposed several departments for accreditation; they are the Department of Biology, Geomatics Engineering, Material Engineering, and Architecture.

In launching the agenda, the Manager of the Centre for Languages and Cultures ITS, Ratna Rintaningrum SS MEd PhD, revealed that CLC ITS took initiative in establishing the English Language lessons virtually. Unmitigated, this training was specially prepared to support different teaching methods compared to the previous year. “We have prepared an online learning protocol to save time, effectiveness, smoothness, and convenience in learning,” she identified.

Furthermore, the learning protocols were prepared in the form of a study schedule and synchronous online learning links. In addition, there was also a collection of assignments that must be studied, as well as a lesson plan that was given before class. “The material provided is designed for conversation and office knowledge, pronunciation, and how to develop it,” she elaborated.

Ratna Rintaningrum (top right frame) when explaining through an online platform

During its implementation, the teaching team took a different approach compared to the student learning method. The approach this time was mainly implemented through speaking practice immediately after the main material is given. “In addition, participants are also divided into small groups per department so that learning is more effective, active, and dynamic,” added Ratna, as she is familiarly called. 

Despite the lack of offline face-to-face meetings, the participants were still eager to follow the study schedule from mid-September to Friday (9/10). This was proven by the presence and activity of the participants during the learning process. “They look enthusiastic at every meeting, I am sure they are ready to learn,” expressed Ratna joyfully.

Ratna hoped that through this online program, students can absorb as much knowledge as possible. According to her, besides being useful for increasing self-competence, this is an effort to support ITS to become one of the world-class institutes. “Not only that, I hope that the Centre for Languages and Cultures ITS can continue contributing greatly to support ITS internationalization missions,” she concluded hopefully. (aje/hen/ory)

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