ITS News

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October 14, 2020 10:10

KKNT 22 ITS Helps Elementary School Learning Activities in Ponorogo

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITS Online

Students of KKNT 22 ITS along with teachers and grade 2 students at SDN 1 Gandukepuh.

Ponorogo, ITS News — It is undeniable that online learning activities have not been fully effective in some areas of Indonesia. Starting from the problem, students of ITS who are members of the group of 22 Thematic Student Community Services (KKNT) ITS plunged to help the learning process in several elementary schools (SD) in Ponorogo.

The head of ITS KKNT 22 group, Intan Yulia Putri Perindasari, admitted that there are online learning constraints in several elementary schools in Ponorogo. “Not all students have mobile phones and the expensive internet quota causes the learning process to be slightly hampered,” said the student who is familiarly called Intan.

Therefore, since last August, she and ten friends who are also members of the Wengker ITS Ponorogo Regional Forum (Forda) held kkn activities in three different elementary schools, namely SDN 1 Gandukepuh, SDN 1 Ngebel, and SDN 3 Ngasinan. With the theme of Literacy and Numeration, Intan admitted to applying different methods in each elementary school according to the request and analysis of the needs of students in their elementary school.

Intan said, in general, teaching is done offline and online. Offline learning was carried out in all three elementary school. There, kknt team members jumped in to teach. Especially at SDN Gandukepuh and SDN 1 Ngabel, offline learning is done in students’ homes. “So we had to visit the students’ houses while teaching,” she explained.

Not only teaching, Intan revealed that they often pack lessons with games, singing, and yel-yel. They also use educational films as a learning medium to banish the boredom of learning in the midst of a pandemic. “Because, we carry the theme of Fun Learning In the Midst of Pandemic Conditions,” added this Physics Department student.

Students of KKNT 22 ITS teaching hydroponics to students at SDN 3 Ngasinan.In fact, at SDN 3 Ngasinan, Intan explained that they invited the students to learn how to grow using hydroponic methods using used bottles. In addition, they also plant crops in the school environment. “Students are also taught to make hasta works from secondhand goods that can then be used to beautify their school,” she said.

Slightly different from the other two schools, Intan said that after two weeks, lessons at SDN 1 Gandukepuh were diverted online following the school’s policy. Therefore, they help the homeroom teacher prepare the learning materials. “Not to forget, we educate teachers about the platform used for assignments, so that learning runs effectively and efficiently,” she explained.

This KKNT student also accompanied the teacher in providing materials and questions through Whatsapp group owned by the student’s parents. In addition, ITS students also distribute hand sanitizers, masks, and face shields to parents and students to always comply with health protocols. “In some places, temperature checks are also routinely carried out periodically to elementary school students,” she concluded. (fat/id/Anjani)

Mahasiswa KKNT 22 ITS bersama siswa SD di Ponorogo tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan.

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