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November 29, 2020 13:11

Through the 2020 BUMDes Award, ITS Supports Village Economic Growth

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng (kanan) bersama Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc dalam acara BUMDes Award 2020 di Gedung Rektorat ITS

ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng (right), with Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, during the 2020 BUMDes Award at ITS Rectorate Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) did not stop channeling its contribution in village development. This time, ITS collaborated with the East Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Award 2020, which is an award ceremony to bestow honor on 40 selected BUMDes in East Java, which was held at ITS Rectorate Building on Wednesday (11/11).

The head of the 2020 BUMDes Award committee, Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution MEng, stated that in this award, ITS and the East Java Provincial Government succeeded in selecting 40 out of the 6,000 BUMDes in East Java who would have the honor to achieve partnership with ITS and the East Java Provincial Government for the next three years.

Ketua panitia BUMDes Award 2020 Dr Ir Arman Hakim Nasution M Eng ketika menyampaikan sambutannya

Head of the 2020 BUMDes Award committee, Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution M Eng, when delivering his remarks

“Of course, the 2020 BUMDes Award is not just like any other award. Through this BUMDes Award, cooperation, collaboration, even coaching is formed; starting from technology development, market management, and even finance,” identified this lecturer of the ITS Business Management Department.

Arman also conveyed the urgency of the 2020 BUMDes Award in the future. First, in terms of village tourism during the pandemic, which have begun to substitute for foreign tourism. “This is an opportunity that we must grab and optimize so that it can have a good impact on rural development in Indonesia,” emphasized this Head of the ITS Center for Business and Industry Public Policy Studies.

Second is agro-industrial opportunities, Arman continued. According to Arman, as an agricultural country, Indonesia has a great opportunity in this field, especially in national food security. In addition, there is also great potential for other businesses, such as the creative industry and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to be supported by their sustainability.

Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc saat memberikan sambutan pada acara BUMDes 2020 di Gedung Rektorat ITS

Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, while giving a speech during the 2020 BUMDes event at ITS Rectorate Building

“We have also compiled the concept on BUM Desa development and how to collaborate it with BUMD (Regional Owned Enterprises, ed), stakeholders and even fellow academicians. So, ITS will be able to provide benefits as a source of sociopreneurs in Indonesia,” explained Arman.

Regarding the concept of BUMDes development, Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, who was also present at the award ceremony, identified that there are two pathways, namely technology and business. “This business route can be tried through the BUMDes clinic and the millennial home center program. Meanwhile, the technology path will be optimized through this collaboration with ITS,” replied this former Regent of Trenggalek. 

In support of this statement, ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, emphasized that ITS is ready to help in the field of technology. “Hopefully, this 2020 BUMDes Award can be a step towards realizing the development and growth of the village economy. Of course, not only in East Java, but also throughout Indonesia,” he concluded. (sin/ITS Public Relations)Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng (ketiga dari kiri) bersama para pemenang BUMDes Award 2020 di Gedung Rektorat ITSITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng (third from left), together with the 2020 BUMDes Award winners at ITS Rectorate Building.

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