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December 17, 2020 23:12

ITS Students Innovate Keramba with Latest Technology

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Ketua tim, Hanif Srisubaga Alim menunjukkan desain blueprint dari keramba dengan inovasi teknologi yang dirancang timnya

The team leader, Hanif Srisubaga Alim shows the blueprint design of the Keramba with the technological innovation designed by his team

ITS Campus, ITS News – The use of keramba for fish farming is getting higher in the community. Therefore the innovation to make keramba more flexible and less polluting the surrounding environment is needed. This is what inspired three students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) to innovate traditional keramba with the latest technology.

The student team of Hanif Srisubaga Alim, Fakhri Ihsan Nalendro, and Alfiyan Rizki Maulidan from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering, Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Rekayasa Sistem (FTIRS) ITS managed to come up with this brilliant idea.

One of the team members, Fakhri Ihsan Nalendro explained that the keramba which is now widely used by the community in fish farming still has many disadvantages. Not only from the less flexibility which makes it is easily damaged, but also the pollution surrounding waters as a result of fish food waste from the keramba. “Especially now that some of the keramba are also in the sea,” he said.

Anggota tim mahasiswa ITS yang menggagas inovasi penggunaan teknologi mutakhir pada keramba

ITS student team members who created innovations in the use of the latest technology in keramba

According to Fakhri, some of the technologies that will be added to the keramba are the added GPS for each keramba, ambient intelligence, remote control, and also the use of HDPE nets on the keramba. This technology was added to allow the keramba to be controlled and moved remotely. “So that the keramba can move to an environment where the water conditions are more supportive,” explained this class of 2019 student.

According to Fakhri, apart from the technology to be applied to the keramba, energy sources are also an important aspect. So far in their work, the energy source used for the keramba to operate is solar energy. “However, we found several cheaper alternatives, it’s just that it hasn’t been decided which one to use,” said the student from Jakarta.

Unmitigated, the innovation which has been formed in scientific paper has successfully won the first place in the Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah (LKTI) Nasional or National Scientific Writing Competition which was organized by Kanjuruhan University, Malang, last October.

Alfiyan Rizki Maulidan, salah satu anggota tim menjelaskan cara kerja teknologi keramba

Alfiyan Rizki Maulidan, one of the team members explained how keramba technology works

To clarify the plan that has been outlined in his paper, the team also designed a three-dimensional prototype made from used pipes and plastic bottles. In this prototype, the energy source used is a battery. They also included this prototype in their video presentation at the competition.

The young man who was born in 2001 added that if this innovation is to be implemented later, of course, there is still much that needs to be addressed. Therefore, technology is still in the development stage so that later it can operate optimally. “There is a lot that needs to be addressed, and there are several features that we will replace, especially the energy source,” he said. (ri/nadh/ITS Public Relations)

Prototype inovasi teknologi pada keramba karya tim mahasiswa ITSThe prototype of technological innovation for keramba of the ITS student team

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