ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is answering questions in the community with their innovations again. This time is in the form of Dandang Lontong technology. The technology was designed by the ITS Community Service or Pengabdian Masyarakat (Abmas) team to increase the productivity of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
As explained by the lecturer at the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI) ITS Liza Rusdiyana ST MT, this technology of Dandang Lontong can increase three times the capacity of a single production. The general dandang lontong can only produce 150-200 Lontong. However, the dandang lontong of this lecturer’s design can reach 660 Lontong per production.
For the lontong maker SMEs, the increase of production capacity is very much needed because if there are many orders for lontong received, they can serve it optimally. “So that the benefits obtained later can be even greater,” she said.
More than that, the designed Dandang Lontong is also able to increase the durability of the quality of Lontong. “Previously, in just 12 hours (the Lontong) were rancid, but with a touch of this technology it could last two to three days,” said Liza.
Based on the experiments that Liza has conducted together, The Dandang Lontong Technology is proven to be able to make perfectly cooked lontong two hours faster than the normal time which requires six hours. It also has an impact on the use of fuel that can be up to 50 percent more efficient.
Liza admitted, the principle of this Dandang’s technology was only by combining the ordinary Dandang Lontong with the presto system. Inside there is also a stacked basket that does not float, still neatly arranged and tight.
Created together with the DTMI Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) student team, the designed Dandang Lontong is equipped with a pressure regulator and an easy exhaust system. “By following the procedures, it turns out that the lontong produced can have a smooth texture,” she said.
Currently, continued Liza, this technology has been applied to several SMEs in the Kampung Lontong area, Sawahan District, Surabaya City, in December 2020. According to Liza, the people who are mostly Lontong producers admit that they are helped by this technology because it can increase their income.
Besides, the lontong with more durability made by this technology allows the community to serve a wider market, such as an online marketplace so that the community does not depend on the general on-site public market today. Finally, Liza hopes that people can take advantage of this technology to improve their lives. (sof / far / ITS Public Relations)
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