ITS News

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December 10, 2020 17:12

ITS Students Create ESQ, a Smart Sports Innovation during the Pandemic

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Para nggota tim mahasiswa ITS penggagas ESQ, (dari kiri atas) Abdun Nafi' dan Annisaa' Rahmaah Nurul Syawal serta (bawah) Dyah Ayu Adashya Putri dan Safa Rahmadillah

The members of the ITS student team who created ESQ, (from top left) Abdun Nafi’ and Annisaa’ Rahmaah Nurul Syawal and (below) Dyah Ayu Adashya Putri and Safa Rahmadillah

ITS Campus, ITS News – Due to the Corona or Covid-19 virus in Indonesia, not only physical health is threatened, but also mental health. To overcome this problem, four students of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) came up with an idea called ESQ ( Easy Sport during Quarantine ), which is the idea of ​​smart sports in overcoming physical and mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Those are Annisaa ‘Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, Dyah Ayu Adhasya Putri, Safa Rahmadila from the Actuarial Science Department, and Abdun Nafi’ from the Informatics Engineering Department. The four of them started this research based on several articles circulating about the decline in people’s physical and mental health due to Covid-19.

According to Annisaa ‘Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, the team leader, physical and mental health problems will definitely impact work ethic and community productivity despite their importance in optimizing development. “This problem has a very big impact on society, especially for Indonesian youth, so it tends to be difficult to reach the golden youth target of Indonesia,” she said.

For this reason, she continued, she and the team tried to build an activity that is able to collaborate between overcoming physical and mental health disorders through a sports activity, thus creates ESQ. It is a combination of yoga and other sports movements. “ESQ has three benefits, such as keeping fitness, tranquility, and health,” said Annisaa.

The idea is based on research that states that besides energizing the body, exercise can also trigger the release of endorphins. “This hormone serves to increase a sense of calm so that it can relieve stress and depression experienced by a person,” she explained.

Kombinasi gerakan yoga dan gerakan olahraga lainnya dalam ESQ yang digagas tim mahasiswa ITS untuk menghadapi masa pandemi

The combination of yoga movements and other sports movements in ESQ was initiated by the ITS student team to face the pandemic period

This Sukabumi-born girl revealed that the method they used in this study was ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi), which means Observe, Imitate, Modify. That is, they do a variety of existing sports combinations with attention to their benefits. “Usually certain sports only provide one benefit, while our idea is to be able to provide three benefits at once so it is called a smart sport,” she explained.

Thanks to this innovation, this team achieves the winner in the Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) Science Parade organized by the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang which ended last October. “The competition was attended by 266 participants and our team was the only delegation from ITS,” said the student who was born on December 29, 2000.

Annisaa explained, there were several challenges that their team experienced during the writing of this idea. One of them is the lack of equitable knowledge related to Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) that is good and correct. “This ultimately resulted in several repetitions in writing one of the chapters in our KTI,” she said.

Even so, the solidarity that exists in their team is very good, so that each other can understand each other for the common good. At the end of the conversation, Annisaa hoped to be able to contribute more to make ITS proud. “Apart from that, we want to explore more deeply related to the scientific field so that we can implement it in the real world,” she concluded hopefully. (chi/nadh/ITS Public Relations)

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