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December 01, 2020 15:12

ITS Successfully Wins Four Champion Titles at KMHE 2020

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

Sapuangin team  from ITS takes a full team picture after winning the Kriteria Model Desain Kendaraan KMHE 2020

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has shown its prowess in the national level contest. This time, ITS successfully won four titles in the 2020 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) which was held online until Monday (30/11).

This year, ITS sent two teams to compete in KMHE. There are Sapuangin Team who compete in the Urban Gasoline Class and the Nogogeni Team who compete in the Urban Electric Class. In this annual event, the Sapuangin Team won 1st place in the Urban category, 1st place in the Aerodynamic Body criteria for the Urban category, and 1st place in the Vehicle Design Model criteria for the Urban category. Meanwhile, the Nogogeni Team won 1st place in the Electric Motorbike and Control System in the Urban category.

Alfandy Anugerah, General Manager of Sapuangin ITS, explained that there were some differences in the implementation of KMHE 2020. Previously, KMHE was a competition to build energy-efficient cars that could run on the track, so that the winner was determined by the least fuel consumption. “However, this year that concept cannot be carried out because of the pandemic,” he said.

Fandy said that the concept of this annual activity from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) was changed to making a design report of energy-efficient cars by applying engineering principles, so the winner is determined based on the best concept in designing the vehicle. “Besides, the participants’ understanding and ability to convey their ideas is also one of important assessment,” he said.

Nogogeni team from ITS while processing the design report at ITS Campus 

This Mechanical Engineering Student also felt many changes in how his team worked in this year’s KMHE. In previous years, the Sapuangin ITS Team used to work on manufacturing workshops and test fuel usage. However this year, the Sapuangin ITS Team is more focused on car development concepts, calculation, and simulation. “So, we only struggle with laptops during the competition process,” added Fandy.

Similar to Fandy, General Manager of ITS Nogogeni Team, Ngurah Gatot Saguna Wijaya, explained that all KMHE 2020 activities that held from October to November were carried out online. There are only two competitions, Design Reports in the Prototype and Urban Category.

KMHE 2020 also limits university delegates to only two teams. “So for this year, ITS only delegates urban electric car from Nogogeni ITS and urban gasoline from Sapuangin ITS,” he added

Ngurah said the preparation of the ITS Nogogeni Team in KMHE 2020 wasn’t significantly different from the previous KMHE. For this year, the team has been more focused on making design reports since last August. “We work on the report on campus while still implementing health protocols,” he admitted.

Nogogeni team from ITS while processing the design report at ITS Campus 

The design report selection stage has seven criteria. There are Body Aerodynamic Design, Body and Chassis Design, Steering and Braking Systems, Internal Combustion Engine and Transmission, Electric Motors and Control Systems, Process Design and Production Management, and Vehicle Design Models. “After that, three teams were selected each criterion from the prototype and urban fields for the final stage,” explained Ngurah.

This Mechanical Industry Engineering student revealed that ITS won in three assessment criteria and one overall winner. ITS Sapuangin Team won the Body Aerodynamic Design Criteria, the Vehicle Design Model Criteria, and the overall champion in the Urban category. Then, the ITS Nogogeni Team won the winner in the Criteria for Electric Motors and Control Systems.

At the end of the interview session, for the next contest,  Ngurah hopes that the ITS Nogogeni Team will not forget about the car design preparation outside the track. “This year’s KMHE is a reminder for not only focusing on car design in track preparation but also simulation and calculation,” he concluded. (sen/man/ITS Public Relations)

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