ITS News

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
October 17, 2020 17:10

The ITS 122nd Graduation Enlivened with Virtual Parade and Sharing Program

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The Graduates' Vow session led by Raden Ricko Satriyo and Difa Aulia Fadhilah Baiti as the graduates' representative

The Graduates’ Vow session led by Raden Ricko Satriyo and Difa Aulia Fadhilah Baiti as the graduates’ representative

ITS Campus, ITS News – Even though the graduation was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the excitement of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) 122nd Graduation Ceremony still feels impressive. Unlike usual, the sparkling student graduation celebrations held starting on Saturday (17/10) were always colored by graduation parades’ tradition but virtually.

The odd semester graduation is divided into four sessions starting on October 17-18 and continues on October 24-25. In the first session, ITS graduated as many as 734 graduates from the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS). The second session will be attended by 676 graduates from the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) and the Faculty of Vocational Studies.

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the opening of the 122nd ITS Graduation, which was held online from the ITS Research Center Building

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the opening of the 122nd ITS Graduation, which was held online from the ITS Research Center Building

The third session will be followed by 731 graduates from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) and the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ). On the last day, 692 graduates from the Faculty of Science and Data Analysis (SCIENTICS) and the Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) will participate, as well as 33 graduates from the Professional Engineer Program (also known as PPI).

ITS Rector Prof. Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, in his speech, revealed that the Graduation was a special one. “At this graduation, the graduates can celebrate graduation with family and friends in their respective homes, and this is certainly a lesson for us all during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said the Rector. Not to forget, he also prayed a bright future may await all those ITS graduates.

Januar Setyo Widodo ST MM, Deputy Chairperson of the PP IKA ITS Organization Division, when delivering a virtual speech

Januar Setyo Widodo ST MM, Deputy Chairperson of the PP IKA ITS Organization Division, when delivering a virtual speech

Deputy Chairperson of the Organization Division from ITS Alumni Family Association (IKA ITS) Januar Setyo Widodo ST MM also gave a speech. As an IKA ITS representative, Januar congratulated all ITS alumni on joining ITS alumni’s big family. “Hopefully, this will strengthen the contribution of IKA ITS to the alma mater, nation, and our country,” said the alumnus who also serves as the Strategic Investment Project Leader of the Telkom Group.

There is also a program called Graduation Sharing, not just holding a graduation party at a series of ITS graduations. The Graduation Sharing is a form of gratitude for the holding of this year’s Graduation. One form of appreciation is to invite all graduates and ITS academicians to help children in the Jombang, Surabaya, and Bojonegoro areas who lack access to learning during this pandemic.

The Rector and ITS leaders were present offline during the 122nd ITS Graduation Procession at the ITS Research Center Building

The Rector and ITS leaders were present offline during the 122nd ITS Graduation Procession at the ITS Research Center Building.

Not only that, but this year’s graduation ceremony also brought up a new idea, a virtual procession of graduates using Minecraft as the graduation media. The Minecraft game is the place to continue the tradition from year to year as a form of ITS graduation celebration. The Campus itself provides media using zoom and collaborates with the Kakatoa Games Network community to give the Minecraft media.

Alifa Izzan Akhsani, one of the graduates who is also the coordinator of this program, explained that ITS and Kakatoa Games gave the graduates access to the Minecraft version of ITS Campus in the graduation event. The ITS Minecraft world was made by the ITS 2020 Community and ITS new students. Both the community collaborated through a unique channel to carry out the procession tradition without being disturbed by outside parties.

Graduates accompanied by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony

Graduates with by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony

The young man called Izzan also added that the Kakatoa Games Network community is preparing several new things. “We provide special features for graduation moments and processions, a vehicle rental for graduation, and also a place for selfies on campus,” he said.

Regarding the 122nd Graduation Ceremony this time, ITS graduated a total of 2,866 students from various levels of education; Diploma (D3 and D4), Bachelor (S-1), Masters (S-2), Doctor (S-3), and Professional Engineer Program (PPI). From the total graduates, 28 percent or equivalent to 730 students successfully graduated cum laude. In particular, 119 graduates or as many as 32 percent who received the cum laude predicate were Bidikmisi scholarship recipients.

Graduates with by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony

Graduates with by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony

Appreciation is also given to outstanding students with the best Grade Point Average (GPA). From the Diploma level (D-3 and D-4) achieved by Dhea Sarah Larasati from the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering with a GPA of 3.46 and Yosi Noviari Wibowo from the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering with a GPA of 3.59.

The 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony tradition is displayed virtually using Minecraft

The 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony tradition is displayed virtually using Minecraft.

Furthermore, from the bachelor level (S1), Firman Maulana from the Informatics Engineering Department achieved an almost perfect GPA of 3.94. For the Master level (S2), the perfect GPA is assigned by Adlina Taufik Syamlan from S2 Mechanical Engineering, Ramadani Masitoh Widayati from S2 Civil Water Resources Management, and Rizki Mendung Ariefianto from S2 Ocean Engineering.

Graduates accompanied by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony.

Graduates accompanied by their families are shown alternately through Zoom when their names are mentioned at the 122nd ITS Graduation Ceremony.

There were six best graduates from the doctoral program, and they all managed to obtain a perfect GPA. They are Nurhadi Siswantoro, Agoes Santoso, and Sardono Sarwito from S-3 Marine Technology. Also, Bilqis Amaliah from S-3 Computer Science, and David Febrilliant Susanto from S-3 Chemical Engineering.

Meanwhile, the oldest graduate in the 122nd Graduation Ceremony was Hariyanto from S-3 in Industrial and System Engineering, who graduated at 60 years 11 months. Meanwhile, the youngest graduate was Muhammad Dimas Nugraha Aryatama from Computer Engineering at 19 years seven months. (meg/sel/ITS Public Relations)


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