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November 05, 2020 12:11

Improves Graduates Quality, ITS Develops Industrial Standard Competency Schemes

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Ketua Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) ITS Arya Yudhi Wijaya MKom yang turut serta membantu dalam pelaksanaan program pengembangan skema kompetensi berstandar industri

Chairman of the ITS Professional Certification Institute (LSP) Arya Yudhi Wijaya MKom who participated in assisting in the implementation of the industry-standard competency scheme development program

ITS Campus, ITS News – The rapid development of world technology has also demanded increasing human resources (HR) in Indonesia, including college graduates. Facing that, the Faculty of Vocational (FV) Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully devised an industry-standard competency scheme presented at Bumi Hotel Surabaya, Wednesday (4/11).

A total of 17 construction schemes successfully drawn up by FV ITS contained in the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) level 5 scheme for diplomas three (D-3) and level 6 for undergraduates (S-1). Thus makes all graduates of the FV, ITS applied undergraduate program expected to be able to have at least three certificates of competency, in addition to also getting transcript legalisation.

Delivered by the Dean of FV ITS Prof. Ir. Mohammad Sigit Darmawan MEng Sc PhD, this will answer today’s industry’s needs that require competent human resources in specific fields. “So that the graduates expected to be ready for work, no need to be trained,” said the Professor of Civil Infrastructure Engineering ITS.

In implementing the program, FV collaborates with its Professional Certification Body (LSP) chaired by Arya Yudhi Wijaya M.Kom. ITS LSP is an institution tasked with developing competency standards, carrying out competency tests, issuing competency certificates, and verifying the place of competency testing in its environment.

Arya said if students will benefit from this program. “They will be guaranteed competence from the certifications they hold, and it will be easier to get a job,” he said.

Dekan Fakultas Vokasi ITS Prof Ir Mohammad Sigit Darmawan MEng Sc PhD saat menyampaikan susunan skema kompetensi berstandar industri

Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty Prof. Ir Mohammad Sigit Darmawan MEng Sc PhD when presenting the arrangement of industry-standard competency schemes

For ITS students, he continued, starting from the fifth semester can already take the competency exam, provided that all the requirements are met. The cost of the competency exam is also made easy to reach by students. That is, about Rp 300,000 to Rp1 million depending on the competency exam that it participates in.

According to Arya, this is still an early stage. Later, the scheme will also extend to undergraduate programs so that this scheme will continue to be developed and updated following the latest scientific developments.

Lastly, the schemes that ITS devices now are still focused on the construction field. This is based on a mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) through the Directorate of Vocational Education (Diksi) in developing the 2020 Industrial Standard Vocational Higher Education Quality Development Program conducted by 10 Vocational Universities (PTV) in Indonesia, including ITS in it.

Sebagian peserta publikasi program pengembangan skema kompetensi untuk mahasiswa vokasi berstandar industri yang turut hadir secara virtual

Some of the participants in the publication of the competency scheme development program for industrial standard vocational students also attended virtually.

In its preparation, FV ITS also involves eight partners of the business and business. The City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) Surabaya, the Marine and Fisheries Office of East Java Province, PT Wika Industri Konstruksi, PT Jasa Marga Pandaan Malang, PT Va ria Usaha Beton, PT Teknindo Geosistem Unggul, PT Waindo Spec Terra, and Lenus Aerospace Indonesia.

It also collaborates with three PTV partners, namely the Vocational School of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), the Vocational School of Diponegoro University (Undip), and the Semarang Public Works Polytechnic. (sof/zar/pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Beberapa perwakilan dari dunia usaha dan dunia industri yang hadir dalam publikasi program pengembangan skema kompetensi yang telah disusun bersama-sama

Several representatives from the business world and the industrial world who were present at the publication of the competency scheme development program that had been compiled together

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