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November 07, 2020 17:11

11 Works of Innovation Presentation Closes the 2020 Professor Summit

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ITS Campus, ITS News – The Board of Professors (DP) of Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has successfully held the Professor Summit 2020 online. After four days of implementation, the only high-level meeting of professors in Indonesia was officially closed with an innovative works presentation from 11 professors, Friday (6/11).

Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Robandi M.T., Secretary of  Professors Council, explained that in the second time of implementation Professor Summit 2020 was also supported by three largest professor organizations in Indonesia, namely the Council of Professors of Legal Entity State Universities (MDGB PTNBH), the Indonesian Board of Professors Forum  (FDGBI), and the Indonesian Professors Association (API).

According to Imam, out of 268 million people, Indonesia has only 5,500 professors. This becomes a strength, considering the professors are researchers. “So they should think about the actual problems of this nation and its handling,” said Imam, who acted as a moderator in the Professor Summit 2020.

As a forum to exchange information, especially in the pandemic era, said Imam, Professor Summit 2020 is filling with six national seminars that raise various topics and fields. And at the end of the event, ITS presented a seminar on the Work of Innovation Professors from the State Universities of Legal Entities (PTN BH).

Prof Ketut Buda Artana dari ITS ketika menyampaikan karya inovasinya mengenai Keselamatan Kapal dan Instalasi di Laut

Prof. Ketut Buda Artana from ITS, when delivering his innovative work on Ship Safety and Installation at Sea

“The goal is to make professors always work, increase sensitivity, idealism, integrity, and prioritize benefits for the nation and society,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering ITS

Though taking the theme Challenges of Professors in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond or Professor Challenges in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era and Beyond, Imam said that the innovations presented are not only related to pandemic problems. One example is the innovation on Ship Safety and Marine Installation Security presented by Prof. Ketut Buda Artana from ITS.

“The innovation is to establish an intelligent early warning system so that ships can run smoothly on their respective routes and avoid accidents such as collisions with underwater gas pipelines and so on,” he said.

Prof Aris Purwanto dari IPB memaparkan Teknologi Ultrafine Bubble untuk mempercepat masa dormansi benih

Prof. Aris Purwanto from IPB explained the Ultrafine Bubble Technology to accelerate the dormancy period of seeds.

Besides, there was another innovative presentation on Ultrafine Bubble Technology by Prof. Aris Purwanto from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Based on the research, seeds cannot be planted immediately because of dormancy. Dormancy is a condition in which the seeds undergo sleep. So, it will not experience germination even if grown.

Innovations related to the Covid-19 pandemic were also presented. One of them is about the Covid-19 Vaccine present by Prof. Kusnandi Rusmil from Padjadjaran University (Unpad).

Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT saat menjadi moderator dalam penutupan Professor Summit 2020

Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT as moderator at the closing of the 2020 Professor Summit

According to Imam again, the eleven innovations presented on the last day of Professor Summit 2020 are innovative and expected to benefit the wider community.

Meanwhile, the chairman of DP ITS, Prof. Dr. Nadjadji Anwar, awarded the eleven professors who presented their innovative work with the Outstanding Professor in Research Innovation Award. In his speech, the Department of Civil Engineering professor hopes that all the creative results that have been presented can be realized and utilized in the community. 

“No matter how small the results are at the moment, it will have a significant impact in the future,” he said confidently. (ra/pan/ITS Public Relations)

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