ITS Campus, ITS News – Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember(ITS) once again encourages community service activities (Abmas) to expand the application of technology science. This time, the Abmas team of the Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering (DTKI) improved the competence of Vocational High School (SMK) teachers in East Java regarding liquid waste treatment technology.
Since August, the training has successfully attracted 141 vocational school teachers from East Java, both state and private schools, to join the six meetings program. Abmas DTKI ITS Team Chief Executive Saidah Altway S.T. M.T. explained if this activity is forcing out online because of the Covid-19.
They were given material by several DTKI ITS lecturers as well as invited speakers from the industrial world. To better understand the material, all participants were also given several tasks related to the processing of liquid waste either individually or in groups.
Students of the community service program present four practicum modules (KKN) DTKI ITS in videos. Furthermore, Saidah mentioned that each participant must make a practicum report based on a video practiced by KKN students from its DTKI Laboratory.
Towards the end of the program, all participants also give a group assignment to make a waste treatment video looking around their school or neighborhood. These videos will be uploaded on the DTKI ITS Youtube channel, along with practicum videos from students that the general public can access. “To increase their enthusiasm, best practice videos and videos with the highest number of likes also get their appreciation from DTKI ITS,” said the woman from Surabaya.
Saidah recounted that this training is to connect the science in DTKI with the subjects taught by vocational school teachers related to chemical engineering majors. Such as majoring in industrial chemistry, laboratory testing analysis, chemical analysis, and chemical engineering technology.
The materials provided also provide new vocational school teachers with new experiences on fundamental theories and practices related to liquid waste treatment. According to Saidah, there are still some teachers who have a background in teaching from teacher education. “So the competence in the field of chemical engineering is still not all mastered,” he said.
The improvement of teacher competence will also have a positive impact on the students who are taught later. All material can apply to students who can become professional workers in the business and industrial world in the future.
Seeing the enthusiasm of vocational school teachers, Saidah hoped that the implementation of this training could be sustainable every year. “They asked to provide feedback and a choice of topics that they wanted for training the following year,” he concluded.
One of the teachers from SMK Negeri 1 Mojoanyar who attended the training, Era Mai Devitasari ST, said he was grateful for the much knowledge and experience. “Become more aware of liquid waste treatment techniques and can share with experts in the field of waste treatment,” era wrote on the feedback sheet of the activity. (sof/pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
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