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December 01, 2020 19:12

ISPhOA 2020 Focuses on the Latest Optical and Photonic Technologies

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Deputy Governor of East Java Province Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc while giving material at ISPhOA 2020

ITS Campus, ITS News – Entering the fourth time, the Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held an International Seminar on Photonic, Optics, and Its Application (ISPhoA) 2020. Held for two days starting Tuesday (1/12), seminar It covers a wide range of topics ranging from Fiber Optic Laser Beam Shaping Technology to Soft-Matter Materials for Solar Energy Conversion.

Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi Ph.D., Chairperson of ISPhOA 2020 said, this seminar is a series of biennial scientific seminars in 2014, 2016, and 2018. This scientific forum is dedicated as a forum for discussion and sharing of ideal expertise. This forum is also expected to be a network bridge between universities, the Research and Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, industry, and the government. “Our main goal (ISPhOA 2020 committee, red) is to encourage the transfer of research so that it can be applied to all regions of Indonesia,” said the lecturer at the ITS Engineering Physics Department.

Agreeing with Agus, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng explained, this seminar is also a program to increase ITS engagement with the international world. Because the rank 751 version of the QS World University Rankings (WUR) and the 1,000 versions of the Times Higher Education (THE) WUR version that ITS has achieved now are still being pursued to be improved. “With international ties, problems in terms of optics and photonics can be resolved, and it is easy to accelerate sustainable development,” said the professor who is familiarly called Ashari.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng while giving a speech at the 2020 ISPhOA International Seminar

Complementing Ashari’s statement, Deputy Governor of East Java Province Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, appointed as one of the key speakers, said that light-based technology is currently an element that plays a major role in human life. Starting from health, disease diagnosis, manufacturing, entertainment media, energy to national security, all cannot be separated from this technology. “This technology provides many solutions and is proven to improve the quality of human life,” he said.

Emil gave an example, in terms of health, with this technology, patients can consult a doctor without having to meet face to face (telemedicine). Moreover, the worry of visiting the hospital due to Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) makes this technology even more useful. “Through this scientific forum, we will discuss more the roles and workings of optics and photonics in other fields,” he added.

The Chief Executive of ISPhOA 2020, Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi Ph.D., while giving his speech.

For applying this technology, Emil revealed that East Java Province is a highly recommended area to be a recipient. This is because this province has a population of 40 million and is the second-highest economic level in Indonesia. “Thus, East Java will be able to provide a good response to the use of new technologies,” he explained.

In addition to being a market, continued Emil, other responses that East Java can give are discussions about how to sell technology, ways to enter into the manufacturing industry, and other views for developing this technology. “The existence of a young generation who is very easy to adapt to technology is one of the factors,” he concluded. (mad/man/ITS Public Relations)

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