ITS Campus, ITS News – The number of prospective student applicants for the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology postgraduate program has increased significantly. In this even semester, the total number of applicants reaches 705 people consisting of 506 doctoral programs, 79 master programs, and 120 Professional Engineer Programs (PPI). This number is an increase of 300 percent from the number of even semester registrants last year.
Prof. Dr. rer pol Heri Kuswanto MSi, Director of Postgraduate and Academic Development of ITS, said that in terms of existing trends, the number of odd (odd) semester registrants is usually always greater than even semester. Applicants usually run in the thousands for odd semesters and two hundred for even semesters. “Well, we compare it to the number of registrants in the even semester of last year; there was an increase of 300 percent from 222 to 705 registrants,” he explained.
Furthermore, Heri stated that ITS currently has 20 doctoral study programs, 17 masters, and one PPI. Postgraduate programs that consistently have the highest number of applicants are from the Doctoral and Master of Technology Management programs. However, post-Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering study programs whose applicants are also very high this semester. “However, on average, all of the registrant study programs have increased at this time,” he said.
One of the innovations carried out by the ITS Directorate of Postgraduate and Academic Development (Ditpaspa) is by diversifying the program. This year, ITS has designed new programs such as research pathways, Distance Education Program (PJJ Class), Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL), and scholarships. “Of course, the hard work in related study programs has greatly helped the promotion of our postgraduate program,” said the lecturer who graduated from ITS undergraduate and doctorate in Statistics.
Heri stated that this PJJ class is one of the ITS Postgraduate Program flagship programs this year. That program is also well-suited to this current pandemic situation, especially for prospective students who are tied to work. So it is not possible to move to Surabaya to study or leave his job. “In this semester, there are 282 registrants (PJJ class), a very fantastic number for a program that has just opened, especially at the postgraduate level,” he said.
Talking about scholarship opportunities, Heri said that almost all study programs at ITS Postgraduate Program have special cooperation scholarship schemes with certain agencies. As with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), and others.
In this even semester, ITS Postgraduate only opens Fresh Graduate (FG) scholarships. The FG scholarship quota is always planned to increase every year. “In the future, for odd and even semesters in 2021, we will open a quota of 250 Fresh Graduate scholarships,” he explained.
There will be several scholarships besides FG in odd semesters, such as fastrack, research assistants, and doctors for ITS lecturers. There are also scholarships for international students starting next semester. “There are many scholarships that can be used. Now scholarships should not be a problem anymore. Bigger opportunities for those who really intend to study further. ” he said.
Heri said that during this pandemic, he felt pessimistic about those interested in postgraduate studies at ITS because of the economic situation and others. However, it turns out that the programs that have been designed bear sweet fruit. ” Alhamdulillah, the applicants far exceeded our expectations or targets; this is due to the hard work of all elements in ITS, of course,” he said.
Finally, Heri hopes that the number of ITS Postgraduate students will increase significantly from year to year. This is to support ITS vision as a research and innovation university. “After all, the contribution of postgraduate students is very significant, especially in generating publications and innovations through joint research with lecturers,” he concluded. (nadh/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Shinta Ulwiya
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