ITS Campus, ITS News – Implementation of Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) as a mandatory requirement for Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN), Which is still in the Covid-19 pandemic is currently in the preparation stage. For this reason, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), which was appointed as one of the UTBK centers, carried out the Covid-19 vaccination against the committee at Keputih Health Center. Monday (22/3).
Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro, S.Si., M.Sc., Coordinator of the ITS Vaccine Ready Team, said that in connection with the UTBK held at ITS, the committee on duty will prioritize to get vaccinated first. “Because they will meet many people from outside the region who we cannot know whether it is infected with Covid-19 or not, we decided to give them vaccinations,” explained the lecturer, who is usually called Danang.
In the preparation stage, which is quite complicated, according to Danang, the ITS Vaccine Ready Team will collect data on the entire committee. The team had to sort out several people who did not meet the requirements for getting vaccines according to government regulations. Another obstacle that had to be faced was that some of them could not come to provide data, so they had to be replaced with someone else to fulfill their quota.
ITS will vaccinate 100 members of the committee divided into two days of implementation, namely 50 people on Monday (22/3) and 50 people on Tuesday (24/3). In coordination with the Surabaya City Health Office, Two days of vaccination were carried out at the Keputih Health Center with medical personnel who had been prepared by the Puskesmas. “Medical personnel has been provided by them (Puskesmas), not from ITS,” explained the lecturer from the ITS Chemistry Department.
The activity was carried out in an orderly manner, vaccination participants who came were directed to submit their data. Then a medical examination is carried out by medical personnel and proceed to the vaccination stage. Not allowed to go home early, participants must wait about 30 minutes to make sure there are no effects after vaccination.
The lecturer who is also active in ITS Smart Eco Campus said, there were almost no significant obstacles during the implementation stage. However, because it coincided with the vaccinations carried out by other parties, the ITS Team was a little overwhelmed to supervise the participants one by one who was the UTBK committee. “A large number of people makes us a little overwhelmed. The Puskesmas will know for sure, they coordinate with us,” he said
Danang added that the vaccination participants were very enthusiastic and happy with this vaccination. But beyond that, he also hopes that the UTBK committee will continue to carry out the health protocol after being vaccinated. “Health protocols must carry out, whether vaccinations are available or not. Because it is our effort to protect ourselves and others from the virus that is now endemic,” he concluded.
Finally, this graduate of S1 Chemistry from Institut teknologi Bandung (ITB) provides pleasant news for all ITS academicians. Efforts will continue to be made for vaccinations so that campus life can return to normal. “ITS will continue to strive for vaccinations as soon as possible for all academicians, including the students, will get vaccines so that everything runs normally again,” he concluded. (pan/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: ion9
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