ITS Campus, ITS News – There are still many school students who feel less interested in studying history because it is considered quite bored. Responding to this, students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated a game based on Augmented Reality (AR) technology to help junior high and high school students to increase a sense of nationalism and learning Indonesian history more interestingly.
They are Hammam Dhiyaurrahman, Muhammad Wahyudin, Daffa Rizdhiya Sadek, Hanif Srisubaga Alim, Nathaniel Bisma Adyatma, and Annisa Ramadhani, who comes from the Department of Industrial and System Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering. The team chaired by Hammam Dhiyaurrahman is part of the Research and Development (R&D) ITS Bramunastya Team.
One of the team members, Hanif Srisubaga Alim explained, The game titled Augmented Reality History Education Card Game (ARCADIA) is a card game in which students ask to determine historical figures related to the historical events that are displayed. The student who gets the most cards is the winner of this game.
Furthermore, the founder of explained that his team tried to provide an exciting education that everyone could have. The presence of AR technology makes this game easily accessible to students, even with a simple cellphone. Besides, this game does not require a large storage capacity and does not require other supporting devices.
Although there is no data and more in-depth research to prove ARCADIA is more desirable than other conventional games. However, after conducting the test, Hanif was sure that ARCADIA was fun enough for the children and able to add to their insights regarding historical events.
“Based on the test results, the success rate of this game in increasing student nationalism has reached 90 percent,” said Hanif who is also co-founder of the Global Millennial Group.
Hanif explained, currently, ARCADIA is in the development stage and has successfully won a gold medal in the Social Science category at the ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) 2021, held by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) last February. For the creativity and innovation presented in this game, ARCADIA also received a Special Award from the Malaysia Innovation, Invention, and Creativity Award ( MIICA).
ARCADIA by RnD Team won gold and MIICA award at the 2021 AISEEF championship (source from youtube IYSA Official)Before winning the award, Hanif said that the R&D team went through a fairly rigorous selection stage because this championship was attended by participants from various countries. In the preparation of ARCADIA, his team was assisted by Adithya Sudiarno ST MT as the supervisor from the Department of Industrial and System Engineering.
“There are not many obstacles, only testing and developing ideas. For technical matters, there are not too many obstacles because our team is already experienced in this field. “added the student who is also active in the ITS Model United Nations (MUN) Club.
In the future, Hanif and the team will further develop ARCADIA so that it can be accessed more easily by the wider community. Besides, he and his team hope to further increase the nationalism and love for the homeland of students through this game they work on. (pan/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: ion27
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