ITS News

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
March 25, 2021 18:03

ITS Promotes the Importance of Public Information Openness

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source :

ITS Campus, ITS News – Realizing the importance of information disclosure to the public, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), through its Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID), held a webinar entitled The Importance of Public Information Openness in Higher Education Environments, Thursday (25/3). This online event supports the improvement of public information services in terms of providing sustainable information disclosure.

The event, which was moderated by the Head of ITS Public Communication Unit (UKP) Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMT, explained PPID ITS’s role as a public body in managing information and documentation in the ITS environment. One of the aspects that need to be considered in providing general information is the openness and transparency of the data submitted. This aspect is the main thing in the provision of public knowledge so that the right of the public to obtain information from public bodies can be fulfilled.

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng., as the Head of PPID ITS revealed that PPID must increase the transparency of information conveyed to the public. This is in line with the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008, which states that everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop their personal and social environment, as well as the right to seek, receive, possess, and store data using all types of available channels.

Rektor ITS Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng., selaku Pimpinan PPID ITS saat memberikan sambutan pada pembukaan webinar PPID

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng., As the Head of PPID ITS, while giving a speech at the PPID webinar’s opening.

Therefore, every Public Agency should open access to public information related to that Public Agency for the wider community. As a public agency, ITS continues to innovate to ensure the availability of transparent, fast, accurate, and straightforward information. “ITS implements this innovation in the formation of PPIDs that receive services through websites and e-forms,” ​​explained Ashari.

Meanwhile, Anggra, who is also the ITS PPID Coordinator, said that the innovations carried out on an ongoing basis by ITS PPID have also been realized with the ITS PPID application. This PPID ITS application has a more dynamic, easy to manage, and flexible display to obtain information without opening a browser.

“The information presented is also following what is on the site, so that people do not have to worry about losing access to important information by opening the application,” said the lecturer at the Department of Interior Design convincingly.

Present as the primary resource, Central Information Commission (KIP) expert Tya Tirta Sari emphasized that public agencies’ obligations in delivering information must meet several indicators. The indicators that need to be implemented include standard operating procedures (SOP) for information services, information service desks, information service reports, financing budgets, developing information systems, setting cost standards, appointing PPIDs, and updating Public Information Documents (DIP). “However, it is also necessary to pay attention to how the PPID ITS application or page is managed so that the information presented is not out-of-date information,” said the woman wearing a hijab.

Tenaga Ahli Komisi Informasi Pusat (KIP) Tya Tirta Sari ketika memaparkan materi terkait dasar hukum keterbukaan informasi publik

Central Information Commission (KIP) expert Tya Tirta Sari when presenting material related to the legal basis of public information disclosure

Tya added that it is essential to categorize data by referring to the UU KIP in presenting the information. Based on the UU KIP, there are four types of information, namely periodic information, information immediately, information at any time, and exempted information. If there are exceptions regarding specific targets of public information, according to Tya, it must be based on a consequence test. “Then an analysis of the consequence test will be carried out by considering the legal basis and its relevance,” she continued.

Furthermore, Tya reminded that information disclosure is very much needed by the public in this digital era. For this reason, every Public Agency also should open access to public information related to that Public Agency for the wider community.

If a Public Agency does not have transparency or access to information is not open, the Public Agency will be subject to sanctions. “Which of these sanctions is guided by UU KIP Number 52 of 2009,” she said.

At the end of the webinar session, Anggra revealed that the webinar that has been held is expected to increase the provision of public information services and encourage general information disclosure within the ITS campus. Thus, ITS, which is a Public Agency, can meet the established general information service standards. Moreover, ITS has won the Informative predicate from KIP at the end of 2020. (far/ITS Public Relations)

Foto bersama para pimpinan ITS bersama para narasumber webinar PPID

Photo with ITS leaders with PPID webinar resource persons

Reporter: ion21

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