ITS News

Friday, March 07, 2025
March 26, 2021 18:03

Prevent Covid-19, ITS Conducts Vaccinations for ITS Academic Community

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Peserta vaksinasi Covid-19 di ITS saat melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan lebih dulu

Participants of the Covid-19 vaccination at ITS during their first medical examination

ITS Campus, ITS News – One year Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world, including Indonesia. To accelerate the prevention of the spread of the virus, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) gave vaccinations to lecturers and education staff at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS, Friday (26/3).

Coordinator of the ITS Ready to Vaccine Team Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro S.Si, M.Si, said, in connection with the increasing number of activities that are starting to be carried out in hybrids (online and offline), the Covid-19 vaccination is giving so that lecturers and staff are calmer when carrying out activities. the. “Although it has not eliminated the possibility of exposure, at least antibodies will form in our bodies to prevent the entry of viruses,” he explained.

Koordinator Tim ITS Siap Vaksin Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro S.Si., M.Si., saat menjelaskan teknis kegiatan vaksinasi Covid-19 di ITS

ITS Team Coordinator Is Ready to Vaccine Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro S.Si., M.Sc., when explaining the technicalities of the Covid-19 vaccination activities at ITS

The familiar lecturer called Danang explained the technicalities of the vaccination activity on the first day which reached 500 people. All lecturers and staff who are vaccinated today are divided into five shifts, with 100 people being vaccinated every hour. It is so there is no accumulation of participants.

Having received support from the Surabaya City Health Office and East Java Province, said Danang, ITS in the future will also carry out vaccinations for all lecturers and staff who still number around 2,000 people gradually. “Because it is not possible to do it simultaneously, it must be done in stages,” he said.

Previously, 100 lecturers and staff were vaccinated, cause they are as the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) committee on March 22-23. “So that if you total it with those who have been vaccinated to this day, there will be around 2,600 lecturers and staff who will get the vaccine injection,” said the lecturer at the ITS Chemistry Department.

Dr. Kriyo Sambodho, salah satu dosen peserta vaksinasi Covid-19 saat disuntik vaksin

Dr. Kriyo Sambodho, one of the lecturers who participated in the Covid-19 vaccination when he was injected with the vaccine

The vaccine used is a Sinovac type facilitated by RSU Haji Surabaya. However, in the future, according to Danang, the type of vaccine could change, depending on availability. “The type of vaccine can be Sinovac again or AstraZeneca, depending on the available stock,” he added.

The head of the ITS Covid-19 Task Force, Adjie Pamungkas ST, M.Dev.Pl, Ph.D., also added that vaccination participants carry out initial screening such as checking blood pressure and temperature before being given a vaccine injection. After vaccination, participants were asked to wait 30 minutes to check whether there were any side effects from the vaccine. “If there are side effects, we have prepared an ambulance that will take them directly to the Haji Hospital (RSU),” he said.

Behind this orderly activity, several obstacles occur. Adjie revealed, until 23.00 the night before, the ITS vaccination committee still contacted participants to ensure that all 500 doses of the vaccine could be absorbed and the vaccine did not expire. From the existing obstacles, Adjie admitted that everything could be handled well.

Ketua Satgas Covid-19 ITS Adjie Pamungkas S.T, M.Dev.Plg, Ph.D, saat diwawancarai

Chairman of Satgas ITS Covid-19  Adjie Pamungkas ST, M.Dev.Plg, Ph.D., when interviewed

Finally, this lecturer at ITS Urban and Regional Planning Department (PWK) expressed his hopes regarding the ongoing vaccination activities. Adjie hopes that all lecturers and staff will maintain their health so that they can participate in the vaccination activities. Besides, participants do not need to worry because the vaccines have passed the BPOM and MUI tests. Besides, he hopes that after vaccination, offline learning activities can be implemented again. (pan/ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: ion4

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