ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to strive to increase the number of professors. This time, most in its history, ITS re-established ten new professors or professors from various science fields in the ITS Professor Inauguration Scientific Oration, which was held by the ITS Professorship Board, Wednesday (31/3).
The inauguration procession, which was held offline, was also broadcast live through Youtube ITS TV media. In the event, which lasted almost five hours, each new professor presented the scientific oration results of the research that had been carried out as a form of contribution to society.
Prof. Dr. pol Heri Kuswanto SSi MSi, who has just turned 39 years of age, has become the first professor to be confirmed with statistical expertise from the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD). In his scientific oration, the lecturer who was born in Gresik raised statistical computing as a solution to overcome uncertainty in the era of big data. Prof. Heri conveyed that in the future, the ensemble approach could be implemented in various scientific fields.
There were also more professors from the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS) through this inauguration. Namely, Prof. Setiyo Gunawan ST Ph.D. from the Chemical Engineering Department, presenting his scientific oration related to the use of batch-wise solvent extraction and nyamplung oil to encourage the green economy and Indonesian halal industrial areas. In his scientific talk, the Head of ITS Center for Halal Studies highlighted the need to re-conserve Indonesia’s mangrove forests by cultivating nyamplung trees and processing the seeds into more valuable products.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dra Mardlijah MT, who departed from the Mathematics Department of FSAD, presented his oration on applying applied mathematics for the development of new and renewable energy (EBT). The role of applied mathematics in new and renewable energy is applied to the optimization of solar panels using the Solar Tracker T2F5MC. It is used to increase the significance of the growth of bioenergy microalgae.
Next, Prof. Dr. Enny Zulaikah MP from the Department of Biology, FSAD, raised the topic of an oration related to bacteria’s use for human welfare and technological advances. Heavy metal pollution and peatland problems are problems that have not been able to be resolved entirely. One alternative to solving this problem is by using bacteria. In his research, biodegradation of peat decomposition bacteria is used for peat fiber and concrete bacteria.
From the Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK), Prof. Aries Sulistyo ST MA Sc Ph.D. who raised the topic of an oration on ship dynamics simulations to help the safety and comfort of passengers and shiploads at sea. Ship accidents at sea must be avoided because they result in many casualties and material losses. Through this ship dynamics simulation research, it is hoped to reduce ship accidents due to human error.
Furthermore, in his scientific oration, Prof. Ir Aguk Zuhdi Muhammad Fathallah MEng Ph.D. explained the application of free-piston liner engines to hybrid technology. The concept of a free-piston linear engine is to reduce mechanical losses, which are overcome by eliminating rotary or rotational motion. The Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Department lecturer said that the combination of hybrid technology and the free-piston linear engine could achieve maximum potential compared to the use of conventional combustion engines.
Meanwhile, Prof. Erma Suryani ST MT Ph.D. from the Information Systems Department, Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology (FTEIC) models driven decision support systems to improve the performance of the agricultural, industrial transportation system. Model-based decision support systems, focusing on access to manipulating simulation models whose outputs can be used as a basis for decision making. This model is projected to improve the system performance in urban transportation planning mapping.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suastika MSc, an expert in hydrodynamics, which is also from the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering, gave an oration topic regarding the role of computational fluid dynamics in research marine engineering innovation for the advancement of the nation. Computational fluid dynamics, according to him, play a significant role in both the analysis and design of ship hydrodynamics.
The number of professors in the Department of Electrical Engineering, FTEIC, increased with Prof. Dr. Ir Soedibyo M MT’s inauguration. He delivered his oration on EBT engineering in remote areas to improve the electrification ratio evenly in Indonesia. To increase Indonesia’s electrification ratio, his research uses hybrid technology, which combines several energy sources from wind, solar, and fuel cells. This technology is equipped with an electrolyzer, hydrogen storage, and converter as supporting tools.
Finally, from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning and Geo (FTSPK), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro MEng presented his scientific oration on the application of unsaturated soil principles to analyze infrastructure stability. Unsaturated soil has a phase of interaction between air and water. This phase causes a difference between the pore water tension and the air pore tension. The stability will be maintained if the initial soil characteristics do not change. According to him, through this infrastructure stability analysis, a safe number of infrastructure can be found.
Chairman of the ITS Professors Board, Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT, expressed his happiness with the inauguration of the ten professors this time which fulfilled the number of ITS professors to 142 people. The professor who also serves as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Board of Professors for Legal Entity State Universities (MDGB PTN-BH) mandated that the Professors’ board continue to innovate to contribute to ITS beloved alma mater jointly. This inauguration was also the first during the leadership of Imam Robandi at the ITS Professor Board.
On the same occasion, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng also advised that the new professors could improve and develop education at ITS. “The increasing number of professors is also proof that ITS Human Resources (HR) has also increased (in quality),” said the professor of Electrical Engineering.
At the end of his remarks, Ashari expressed his hope that the number of ITS students at the postgraduate level would increase and the number of professors this time. Ashari also encouraged ITS students’ achievements to increase even further with the increasing number of professors at ITS. “I hope that our contribution to the nation, in general, can be continuously improved,” he said encouragingly. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: ion21
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