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April 24, 2021 18:04

Support Nation Development, ITS Returns to Bring Out 264 New Engineers

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat mengucapkan selamat dan sambutan kepada lulusan PSPPI ITS dalam prosesi yang digelar secara virtual

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when congratulating and welcoming PSPPI ITS graduates in a procession that was held virtually

ITS Campus, ITS News – As the best technology university in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) strives to produce quality engineers. This time, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng again inaugurated 264 new engineers from the Professional Engineer Study Program (PSPPI) online (24/4).

In his remarks, the chancellor, who is often called Ashari, expressed his pride for the 264 PSPPI ITS students who have successfully studied for six months until now they have managed to get an engineering degree. “Congratulations to everyone who already has official badges, so that they can work and be recognized as engineering in Indonesian law,” he said.

He further said that the PSPPI engineer graduates are expected to fill the professional needs of engineers in the next five years, which will have a shortage of around 200 thousand engineers. Fulfilling the needs of engineers is seen as having a task that can provide added value in the implementation of development in the era of globalization, such as the need for engineer standards in the manufacture of intelligent technology.

Potret salah satu lulusan insinyur Semester Gasal 2020-2021 yang dilantik sebagai insinyur pada Pelantikan Lulusan PSPPI ITS

A portrait of one of the 2020-2021 Odd Semester engineer graduates who was appointed as an engineer at the ITS PSPPI Graduate Inauguration

Ashari also said that the graduates could become members of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) after this. That way, everyone can move under the same umbrella as an association to jointly develop the country. “We also ask graduates to always remember ITS alma mater by always maintaining and making ITS good name proud,” he ordered.

This time, the inauguration procession was also attended by Prof. Dr. Ir H Mohammad Bisri MS IPU, Chairman of the East Java Regional PII. He explained that Indonesia had made infrastructure leaps over the past five years so that Indonesia’s development competitiveness ranking has increased. “It is something to be proud of because engineers have succeeded in becoming the main role in this development leap,” he said.

Prof Dr Ir H Mohammad Bisri MS IPU, Ketua PII wilayah Jawa Timur saat memberikan sambutan dalam acara pelantikan lulusan PSPPI ITS 2020-2021

Prof. Dr. Ir H Mohammad Bisri MS IPU, Chairperson of the East Java PII region, while giving a speech at the inauguration of ITS PSPPI graduates 2020-2021

He also expressed his gratitude to ITS for donating engineering graduates to PII. Based on data from the PII center for the East Java region, there are 3 thousand engineers who have joined with an average of 1,000 graduates per year from five universities, with ITS as the most active contributor. “I thank ITS for their dedication, and I hope we can all devote ourselves together to build the nation,” said this bespectacled man.

Penyerahan lulusan PSPPI ITS oleh Direktur Pascasarjana dan Pengembangan Akademik ITS Prof Dr rer pol Heri Kuswanto MSi kepada PII wilayah Jawa Timur

Submission of ITS PSPPI graduates by the Director of ITS Postgraduate and Academic Development Prof. Dr. rer pol Heri Kuswanto MSi to PII East Java region

Behind the many graduates who have joined, Bisri said that the distribution of these engineer graduates is not evenly distributed. It is noted that the area of ​​Madura Island is still very few contributors to engineer graduates, so this is very far from meeting the target of graduates in the East Java region. “Given this, I hope ITS as a technology campus can continue to recruit and graduate more engineers so that we can all continue to be the main actors in the development leap, especially technology in Indonesia,” said Bisri hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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