ITS News

Wednesday, January 01, 2025
April 23, 2021 16:04

ITS Ranks First in Indonesia in the SIR version of the Field of Computer Science

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Peringkat ITS di Scimago Institutions Rankings 2021

ITS Ranking in the 2021 Scimago Institutions Rankings

ITS Campus, ITS News – A proud record of success has been achieved by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) as evidence of being a leading university in research and technology and being competitive in the national and international arena. After being confirmed as number one in Indonesia and 64 in the world in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2021, ITS was again declared to be ranked first as the best university in Indonesia in the field of Computer Science by the Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) in 2021, Wednesday (21/4) then.

SIR is a classification of academic institutions and research institutions ranked based on indicators that combine three aspects. The three aspects of these indicators are research performance, innovation output, and social impact as measured by the web visibility of each institution.

Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology (FTEIC) ITS Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT happily welcomed this achievement. He explained that this achievement could be achieved because of the advantages that ITS had in research performance in Computer Science and other related fields, which were considered very productive. “The output produced is also classified as innovative, and there are many publications on the ITS website that can be easily traced,” said the lecturer, who is familiarly called Ketut.

Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas ITS Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT

Dean of the ITS Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Informatics Technology Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT

Related to this, Ketut revealed that these results were not easily achieved. “There are many processes that must be passed through the implementation of various policies in the FTEIC related to publication and research,” he explained.

According to this lecturer at the Computer Engineering Department, the departments under FTEIC already have an excellent mechanism to produce publications, research, and innovative products. This is because FTEIC has learning mechanisms such as lab-based education, research roadmaps, and various national and international collaborations.

In general, Ketut said that policies related to publication and research have followed, as implemented at the institute level. He explained that this policy was also supported by a large number of students, both undergraduate (S1), master (S2), and doctoral (S3) students from the six departments in FTEIC.

Furthermore, Ketut explained that the challenges facing ITS are to maintain existing mechanisms and policies to keep them running well and more developed so that the output in the form of publications, research, and innovative products can remain productive FTEIC lecturers and students. “To make it happen, we also play a role in supporting and running the ITS program to increase the number of papers published,” he added.

Ketut considers that this ranking is not the real goal, but only an external party acknowledgment of ITS for the various achievements. For this reason, he asked all academicians at ITS, especially lecturers and students, not to be careless and then jumawa about this achievement. “The most important thing is that everyone remains focused on doing their best to create and develop more,” he reminded.

Posisi ITS pada berbagai indikator penilaian menurut wilayah geografis di tingkat nasional, regional, dan internasional

ITS position on various assessment indicators according to geographic areas at the national, regional, and international levels

Closing his presentation, Ketut expressed his gratitude that ITS was able to obtain this extraordinary achievement. According to him, this is all thanks to contributions from lecturers, students, and leaders at ITS, who are considered to have provided a conducive environment for lecturers and students to remain productive in their work. “We hope this can trigger all lecturers and students to improve their achievements both in terms of quality and quantity,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo

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