ITS Campus, ITS News – After completing the National Selection for Higher Education Entrance (SNMPTN) and Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) for Joint Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again socializes the entry paths for undergraduate and applied undergraduate programs (vocational) through the Partnership Selection, Independent and Achievement (SKMP), Saturday (8/5), online.
ITS Education Director Dr. Eng Siti Machampang ST MEng explained that currently, ITS provides 79 study programs (study programs) at various levels with the addition of two new study programs, namely Offshore Engineering and Food Engineering. There are 16 doctoral program study programs, 21 master program study programs, 34 undergraduate study programs, and eight vocational study programs with 39 departments divided into seven faculties that are ready to accept new student candidates for the 2021/2022 academic year.
Regarding the entry route, ITS is currently preparing to open the last route, namely SKMP which is intended to provide opportunities for students who still have low UTBK scores or fail to enter ITS through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN routes. They can still enter ITS through the SKMP program by taking the ITS Academic Ability Test (TKA) written exam which is done online or by using the UTBK scores that have been obtained.
“This selection (SKMP) can be followed by students from high school, vocational, and MA graduates by participating in the UTBK or TKA ITS selection, including report cards, and self-descriptions and portfolios for certain study programs,” he explained.
For this year, he continued, the path that previously was only SKM was renewed with adding an achievement pathway to become SKMP for prospective new students. This path of achievement is helpful capturing students who have academic and non-academic achievements at international, national, and provincial levels.
The registered achievements can be in sports, science olympiad, scientific papers, art, organization (student council president), and hafidz by attaching a certificate that supports the achievement. The minimum achievement must get while still in high school education level or the equivalent.
Furthermore, for this path of achievement, ITS is ready to accommodate outstanding students who will be accommodated with special privileges. Namely, for students specifically for this achievement pathway, they only need to pay the Education Development Contribution (SPP) in the form of a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) without the need to pay the Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) fee. “The SKMP system will accommodate students fully so that students can study according to the results that have been tested,” said the Chemical Engineering lecturer.
Regarding the Partnership and Independent pathway in SKMP, explained by the Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-directorate (Kasubdit) Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEng Sc, this program is two different paths. The Partnership Program is only intended for student representatives from partner agencies who have a memorandum of understanding or Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with ITS. While the Mandiri Program is intended for all students from the general public who are interested in entering ITS. “Only the files attached to the requirements remain the same for the two entry routes,” explained the Mechanical Engineering lecturer.
Meanwhile, for the SKMP registration procedure, Superior continued, both can be accessed via the page. Especially for the Partnership path, the related partnership agency is required to send a resume or recap of recommended SKMP participant candidates to the ITS Deputy Chancellor I via, as well as a copy letter to the Head of ITS Admissions Sub-Directorate via e-mail: kasubdit.admisi@its. AC ID. “Registration for the SKMP pathway will be open from May 9 to June 17, 2021,” he explained.
This SKMP path passes an assessment of the UTBK value or it could be with ITS TKA which will be carried out online. TKA itself is a test held by ITS whose value will be used for the admission of prospective new students of the SKMP pathway. “Participants are expected to use laptop devices with the Windows 10 operating system, webcams, Zoom Meeting Software, and stable internet speeds above 5 Mbps,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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