ITS Campus, ITS News – The earthquake in East Java that occurred last April 10th, given a considerable impact on the surrounding community. Therefore, Outstanding Students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Mawapres ITS) 2021 participated in community service activities (Abdimas) conducted by ITS in Wirotaman Village, Malang Regency.
In this service activity, there are three departments from ITS that participate. Geomatics Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Civil Infrastructure Engineering. The Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering (DTIS) was represented by ITS Mawapres 2021 Applied Undergraduate Category, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, who took to the field directly. “Each department have a role yesterday,” explained Rifqi.
By DTIS, the main focus in the service activities carried out on April 24th is the distribution of foodstuffs and soil sampling. Distribution of foodstuffs such as rice, cooking oil, milk, mineral water, and other needs carried at the local village hall. Rifqi mentioned that there are dozens of packages of food given to the people of Wirotaman Village.
Not only that, but DTIS also researched the land in the village. The initial stage is by taking soil samples at two different points in Sukoanyar Village. Samples taken will examine in the DTIS laboratory, which will then be used as the material of building materials in the form of bricks in the village. “The sample we took as much as 120 kilograms accommodated in two sacks,” Rifqi said.
The gold medalist of ISTEC 2020 added that the purpose of sampling for this research is so that Wirotaman can rebuild his village with materials from there as well. After searching in three villages, a total of 323 existing houses, 119 houses have been severely damaged. Some houses have collapsed and also been torn down because they are not safe to live in. “Now many residents live in makeshift tents and also disaster posts,” he added.
Not only that, but DTIS also traced other hamlets, namely Krajan Hamlet, Wirotaman Village. After further observations, it was found that the clean water network in Wirotaman Village is still not good. The source of water coming from the spring of Mount Semeru has a small discharge. According to residents, during the dry season, the water can be very few. “It is worse to be in Sukodadi Hamlet because he is at the top of the world than others,” Rifqi said.
DTIS Students class of 2018 said, in addition to conducting the main investigation, it’s also requested by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) to collect other data that is expected to be a Service Activity project in the future.
Rifqi itself is its Mawapres 2021 which will continue its struggle in the National Mawapres event in August. Service activity is carried out as one of the requirements in continuing to the event. In collaboration with ITS Disaster Response, students from Madiun hope that with the help of ITS, Wirotaman Village can rebuild its village after the earthquake. (pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal
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