ITS Campus, ITS News – Continuing to develop innovation, that is the characteristic that continues to be attached to the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This is proven by creating four ITS students by initiating a web-based application that provides data processing services called ANORA.
The four are Wahidatul Wardah Al Maulidiyah (Department of Statistics), Nanda Novenia Shinta Hapsari (Department of Statistics), Andrea Ernest (Department of Statistics), and Mery Yulinda Rahmi (Department of Information Systems). They have succeeded in developing an application founded in 2020 and has been accessed by many users.
Wahidatul Wardah Al Maulidiyah, Chief Executive and Finance Officer (CEFO) of ANORA, said that the establishment of ANORA was motivated by the potential processing services market. Moreover, the founders of ANORA, who consist of various departments, want to practice their working on big projects.
For that, continued the student, who is familiarly called Wardah, the ANORA application was initiated. “Like other marketplaces, ANORA has a special characteristic, namely focusing on things related to the world of statistics,” she explained.
Wardah said that ANORA provides several exciting features. Among them are chat features, payment features, filtering features based on price and the software you want to use, to the statistical search feature for data processing according to user needs. “In addition, we also have a home service feature. With this feature, users can find the nearest statistics so that they can be visited directly,” she explained.
Talking about the history of the name ANORA, this student from Tuban revealed that ANORA inspired ANORA. This unique statistical analysis method is widely used in experimental research. “To make it more interesting, we changed it slightly to ANORA,” explained the student who was born on June 12, 2001.
Even though they work together, added Wardah, the four ANORA founders have their respective roles. As CEFO, he served in finance and acted as manager. Meanwhile, Nanda Novenia Shinta Hapsari plays the role of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in digital marketing strategy.
Next up is Andrea Ernest as Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO), who is in charge of formulating and implementing human resource strategies by the company’s strategic plans, including making contracts and communicating with partners. Finally, Mery Yulinda Rahmi, as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) who works in the field of technology development.
Thanks to this brilliant idea, the ITS ANORA Team has successfully passed in various competitions. Among them are ITS Youth Technopreneur (IYT), Student Creativity Program (PKM); until recently, they managed to qualify for funding in the 2021 Indonesian Student Startup Acceleration Program (ASMI). Prepare the best pitch deck,” she said.
Of course, said Wardah, their success could not be separated from the intervention of ANORA’s supervisor, Dr. Dra Kartika Fithriasari MSi, and the previous ANORA developer, Marde Fasma. “In the future, we will draw up a plan for the allocation of funds to be given for website development, marketing, to Human Resources (HR),” she said.
Although there are many obstacles in its development due to their respective busy lives, the ANORA Team still strives to provide the best for all parties. “We hope that ANORA can develop rapidly and become the most visited marketplace for data processing services by the Indonesian people,” Wardah said. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya
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