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July 02, 2021 16:07, ITS Student Startup in Engineering

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(dari kiri) Gusfatul Mukhairiq, Puguh Pambudi, Muhammad Husnir Rahman, dan Mohammad Fahri Ferdiansyah selaku tim dari ITS

(from left) Gusfatul Mukhairiq, Puguh Pambudi, Muhammad Husnir Rahman, and Mohammad Fahri Ferdiansyah as the team, a student-made startup from ITS

Kampus ITS, ITS News – In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT) potential is predicted to be even more significant and fill the world market. Not wanting to remain silent about this opportunity, two students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), established a service startup engaged in engineering called

They are Puguh Pambudi and Muhammad Husnir Rahman, 2018 students who have been the founders and pioneers of since 2020. Puguh Pambudi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of revealed that currently, their startup has four other team members.

They are Pebiria Vorenza (ITS Industrial Engineering), Gusfatul Mukhairiq (ITS Biomedical Engineering), Ayu Auliya (ITS Environmental Engineering), and one student from Electrical Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (UB), namely Mohammad Fahri Ferdiansyah.

Based on Puguh’s statement, the establishment of was motivated by his ambition to develop mechatronic products for industrial activists in Indonesia. “We feel that some small industries often find it difficult to realize ideas in the IoT field, for that we are here as a solution to this problem,” explained the young man who was born in Tuban, July 16, 1999.

In conclusion, continued Puguh, is a bridge between clients who want to realize a product but do not have the resources and students who have the skills but do not have the media to develop it. “ serves several fields, including external programs, 2D/3D modeling, system simulation, to making prototypes and finished goods,” he explained.

The service procedure is not much different from other projects in general. After registering the project, the team will hold discussions with the client until the desired result can be achieved and is by the client’s idea. Jokeen has managed to work on more than 100 projects with a satisfaction rating of 4.5/5 based on responsiveness and 4.6/5 based on performance and processing time.

Tim dari mahasiswa ITS saat mengerjakan proyek

The team of ITS students while working on a project

Last June, Puguh added, was working on an Ultraviolet (UV) Thermogun, a body temperature measuring device equipped with UV light as a room sterilizer. “We have also helped one of the Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a neon box project that can be replaced with images,” said Puguh.

To use the services of, clients can easily place orders via Instagram, WhatsApp, and e-mail platforms. In addition, currently, also has a workshop located in the Central Sutorejo VIII No. 26 EE 32, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, East Java.

Apart from being a source of business, continued Puguh, has also received many recognition from various parties. Among them are becoming an ITS Incubator tenant, getting funding in the 2021 Indonesian Student Business Competition Program (KBMI), the top 25 Innovation Challenge & Business Summit (ICBS) 2021, and becoming the top 100 Startup4Industry 2021 organized by the Ministry of Industry.

“More than that, at this time we also have partners who always entrust their projects to, namely PT Global Teknologi Indonesia,” he said. When asked about the ups and downs of establishing, Puguh revealed that he and his team often had trouble dividing their time between college and business. The reason is, he just started this business in his second year as an ITS student.

At the end of the conversation, the alumni of SMAN 1 Tuban hoped that could become one of the best startups in Indonesia and compete internationally. “In the future, we also hope to be able to help more industries in Indonesia in developing products in the field of technology along with the industrial revolution 4.0,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya

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