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July 03, 2021 09:07

ITS Receives Granted Assets from the Netherlands

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng menyampaikan sambutannya dalam acara serah terima Granted Assets proyek IDN265 dari Belanda secara daring

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng delivered his remarks at the online handover ceremony for the IDN265 project Granted Assets from the Netherlands

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) is a university that encourages collaboration with various parties to develop the quality of learning on its campus. This time, ITS, together with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), received the mandate to manage the granted assets due to the collaboration with the Netherlands in the handover of ownership of contributed holdings from Nuffic Netherlands, which was held online, Friday (2/7) afternoon.

This handover event is a series of closing processions of the project collaboration program titled IDN265 on International Collaboration Project on Capacity Development in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) between ITS, ITB, and several service providers from the Netherlands such as Nuffic, UNESCO-IHE, TU Delft, and HZ University.

This collaboration program, which the Dutch Embassy for Indonesia initiated, started in 2016 and involved the Department of Marine Engineering ITS and the ITB Water Resources Engineering and Management Study Program in its implementation. As for the performance of the IDN265 project, ITS received a lot of investment aimed at campus development.

These include the provision of office equipment, procurement of learning support facilities and infrastructure, to the renovation of several teaching facilities and laboratories in the Department of Marine Engineering. These investments are now referred to as granted assets, which are then inaugurated ownership to ITS in this handover event.

The handover ceremony was attended by the leadership of ITS and ITB and representatives from Nuffic and the Dutch Embassy for Indonesia. Among them is ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng and ITB Chancellor Prof Ir N R Reini Djuhraeni Wirahadikusumah MSCE Ph.D.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) dan Rektor ITB Prof Ir N R Reini Djuhraeni Wirahadikusumah MSCE PhD

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) and ITB Chancellor Prof Ir N R Reini Djuhraeni Wirahadikusumah MSCE PhD

In his remarks, the ITS Chancellor, who is familiarly called Ashari, thanked the Dutch Government for allowing ITS to collaborate and cooperate and for helping develop the quality of learning on the ITS campus, especially in the marine sciences field. “In the future, we hope that there will be more collaborations involving ITS and the Dutch Government,” said the ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Continuing with Ashari’s remarks, Reini revealed that the ITB campus has also experienced tremendous benefits in the collaboration carried out in the IDN265 project. He continued, this collaboration has helped develop learning curricula in the Engineering and Water Resources Management Study Program to the provision of water management facilities at the ITB Jatinangor campus. “We will optimize the granted assets given to us later,” she added.

Koordinator program IDN265 Bert Geers ketika menyampaikan pidatonya secara daring

IDN265 program coordinator Bert Geers delivering his speech online

Nuffic’s representative, Merieke Nieuwendijck, agreed with the speech from the top leaders of the two technical colleges. According to him, the IDN265 project has had a positive impact on all parties involved. “We are amazed by the enthusiasm of students and teaching staff at these two institutions during the implementation of this program, even during a pandemic like now,” he said.

Granted assets dalam proyek IDN265 yang diserahterimakan kepada ITS dan ITB

Granted assets in the IDN265 project, which were handed over to ITS and ITB

Ending the event, IDN265 Program Coordinator Bert Geers expressed his gratitude for the success of the IDN265 project. Geers said that the IDN265 project would not run smoothly without good cooperation between all parties involved. He hopes that this handover event is not the end of the collaboration that has been carried out. “The closing event in the form of the handover of granted assets may be the beginning of the story of our cooperation in the future,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo

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