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September 18, 2021 19:09

Collaborating with MarkPlus Institute, ITS Launches MMT Study Program in TechnoMarketing

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Pemaparan program dalam sesi talkshow webinar oleh Dr (HC) Hermawan Kartajaya

Presentation of the program in a talk show webinar session by Dr (HC) Hermawan Kartajaya

ITS Campus, ITS News – Producing competitive graduates and meeting the needs of the world of work is the desire of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) as one of the best technology campuses in Indonesia. For this reason, ITS and MarkPlus Institute are collaborating again by presenting the Master of Technology Management (MMT) study program in TechnoMarketing, Saturday (18/9).

The launch of the MMT program was held in conjunction with the Webinar Marketers Goes to Campus Episode 24 and raised the theme of the Brand New MMT 1.5 Years with Internship Program. This program will focus on becoming a choice of human resource development needs (HR), especially in marketing and human technology.

Prof. Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng Ph.D. CSCP, Dean of the ITS Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT), emphasized that ITS and MarkPlus Institute are ready to become pioneers of techno marketing programs in Indonesia by considering human resources needs, markets, and the world of work. “Marketing cannot be separated from technology and people, in line with the Advancing Humanity motto,” he said.

Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP, Dekan Sekolah Interdisiplin Manajemen dan Teknologi (SIMT) ITS, saat launching Prodi MMT in TechnoMarketing bersama MarkPlus Institute

Prof. Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng Ph.D. CSCP, Dean of the ITS Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT), when launching the MMT in TechnoMarketing Study Program with MarkPlus Institute

According to him, this combination of knowledge will develop student competitiveness and a more competitive Indonesian economy. This program will produce more attractive and suitable technology for applied science so that it can be utilized and developed within the framework of practitioners and increase understanding of marketing that will drive technology.

Nyoman revealed that TechnoMarketing is one of the fields launched for intake in February 2022, and the registration process will begin in November 2021. After that, it is designed for three semesters and is complemented by an internship program that Mr. Marketing Indonesia will guide, Dr (HC) Hermawan Kartajaya.

The syllabus, which will be applied to the first intake of MMT in TechnoMarketing, will be realized by providing three credits for an internship out of 36 credits for three semesters. It was also revealed that 80 of the best participants would be screened for this year’s intake.

In this regard, this MMT will focus on attracting fresh graduates from various fields of study and is very open to engineering undergraduate students who want to learn marketing. “We do not limit. Please join, and this will be an extraordinary combination,” said Nyoman ensured.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jacky Mussry, like Dean & CEO of MarkPlus Institute, expressed his gratitude for the realization of this program. For him, the combination of marketing and technology at MMT will be seen in creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership. “The technology that will be studied is not only from machines or robotics, but technology that is human in nature,” he added.

(dari kiri) Prof Dr Ir Suprapto DEA, Dr (HC) Hermawan Kartajaya, dan Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP usai pemaparan di Gedung Rektorat ITS

(from left) Prof Dr Ir Suprapto DEA, Dr (HC) Hermawan Kartajaya, and Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP after the presentation at the ITS Rectorate Building

Jacky saw that ITS was ready to produce MMT students with innovative research and technology experience at ITS, primarily assisted by great people from the MarkPlus Institute and partners. “In addition to being adapted to the ITS motto, this program is also adjusted to be ready to become an entrepreneur university,” he said.

At the end of the ceremony, he also hopes that all those involved in this program can carry it out in a professional and well-planned manner. “With this momentum, I hope that ITS and MarkPlus Institute become one of the examples of successful pioneer implementers and deserves to be offered at the international level,” he said optimistically.

Besides being attended by the previously mentioned speakers, the ceremonial launch of the MMT in TechnoMarketing program was also attended by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elistianto Dardak, ITS Vice-Chancellor I for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT, CEO of Tancorp Abadi Nusantara Hermanto Tanoko, Head of LLDIKTI Region VII East Java Prof Dr. Ir Suprapto DEA, and several other ITS officials. (ITS PR)

Foto bersama jajaran pimpinan ITS dengan MarkPlus Institute usai acara launching Prodi MMT in TechnoMarketing yang digelar secara hybrid dari Gedung Rektorat ITS

Photo with the ranks of ITS leadership with the MarkPlus Institute after the launching of the MMT in TechnoMarketing Study Program, which was held in a hybrid manner from the ITS Rectorate Building

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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