Emha Ainun Najib (in vest) was greeted by ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) during a stop at the ITS Rectorate before the study program started.
ITS Campus, ITS News – Still, in the series of celebrations for the 61st Anniversary of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), the Tadabbur Maiyah Mushaf Study was held, which presented Emha Ainun Najib (Cak Nun), Ahmad Fuad Efendi, and Dr. KH Ahmad Musta’in Syafi’i MAg. This study was carried in a hybrid manner from the ITS Manarul Ilmi Mosque and aired live on ITS TV Youtube, Wednesday (22/9) night.
The two speakers, Ahmad Fuad Effendy and Muhammad Ainun Najib, are the authors of the Mus-haf Al-Qur’an and Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan. Meanwhile, Dr. KH Ahmad Musta’in Syafi’i MAg, another resource person, is an expert in interpretation from the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang.
It was opened with remarks by the ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, saying that the Dies Natalis event was a time for ITS to evaluate itself every year. “The contents are not only conferences and research, but we also hope from the spiritual side. So that this event can be a spiritual shower for all of us,” he said.
ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) with Emha Ainun Najib (Cak Nun) when giving a speech in the Tadabbur Maiyah Mushaf Study at the ITS Manarul Ilmi Mosque
Quoting from Caknun.com and the introduction to the Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan Al-Qur’an Mushaf, the word tadabbur is an election judged to be by the needs of the Maiyah congregation. The study of the Koran at Maiyah Padhangmbulan was directed to tadabbur because it was considered to be by the needs of the community.
The Maiyah Padhangmbulan congregation is very heterogeneous, and most of them are lay in the religious sciences. Therefore, what is needed by the community is not a scientific study but a spiritual study of amaliah. What is required is not a broad or deep understanding of the Qur’an but to understand the meaning of the verse in general and then reflect, appreciate, and how to practice it in real life.
“Therefore, the choice of verses is adjusted to the needs for the development of the soul and life,” said Ahmad Fuad Efendi in the Introduction to the Mushaf of the Qur’an and Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan.
Emha Ainun Najib (right) when giving a presentation on the Tadabbur Maiyah Mushaf Study at the ITS Manarul Ilmi Mosque
Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc Ph.D., Chairman of the 61st Anniversary of ITS, said that this hybrid study was attended by a small number of worshipers of the ITS Manarul Ilmi Mosque, which is less than 300 people, which is 5 percent of the capacity of the Manarul Ilmi Mosque which reached 6,500. Person.
The rest of the events were followed online through the Zoom application and the ITS TV Youtube channel. The event, which was broadcast live streaming, has been watched more than 3,600 times. “Hopefully, this event will be a passion for the revival of study activities at Manarul Ilmi, which we have missed for more than a year,” said the Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty.
In closing this event, the event moderator said that on October 19, 2021, which coincided with the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, a second study with Emha Ainun Najib would also be held. This event is also a series of other ITS 61st Anniversary celebrations and will be held online. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Shinta Ulwiya
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