Kampus ITS, ITS News – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) RI promotes the government’s innovation program to advance higher education. Through the Merdeka Campus Dialogue, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA disseminated about the Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus (MBKM) program with leaders and student representatives of State and Private Universities (PTS) around the world. East Java at the Plaza dr Angka, Intstitut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Thursday (21/10).
Taking place in a hybrid manner, the series of Mendikbudristek roadshow activities were also attended by several other officials, including the Deputy Governor of East Java (Wagub Jatim), Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, and the Director-General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) Prof. Ir Nizam MSc DIC Ph.D. IPU ASEAN eng.
Seeing the achievements of this hero campus, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that of the eight activities held by MBKM, ITS was the university with the highest growth points. This is, of course, supported by student participation and the climate of Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus, which is running well at ITS.
In total, there are 8,451 ITS students who participate in this MBKM program. Among them were 34 people who participated in Teaching Assistance in Education Units, 4,745 students took part in Thematic KKN, 687 Certified Internships, 1,400 Independent Studies, 292 Entrepreneurs, 66 research students, 887 student exchanges, and Project Humanity as many as 340 students.
Not only that, but ITS also won a grant from several competitions organized by the MBKM program. The Chancellor, who is often called Ashari, continued if ITS had maximized the activities in the Merdeka Campus program. “This is because not only students who participate, but higher education personnel (higher education, ed) also won the competition, even getting the best results,” he said.
Among them, said Ashari, in the Merdeka Campus Competition Program (PKKM), ITS became a PT that was ranked 3rd in the Largest Funding, in the Indonesian Student Startup Acceleration (ASMI), it became the most funded PT with six startups, and there was the second most Kedaireka Matching Fund. with 17 proposals.
“ITS achievements in various related competitions have proven that ITS is a campus with good cooperation with DUDI (Business World and the Industrial World), has a leading innovation and entrepreneurial climate, and a framework for fostering good achievements,” explained the man who was born this Sidoarjo.
In addition to the open dialogue event, there is an exhibition that presents various innovative products from ITS, ranging from i-nose 19, i-Car, i-Boat, Co-Film+, Raisa Robot, Braille printing machine, and others. Even when he arrived at the ITS campus, Nadiem also had time to ride the i-Car, an autonomous or uncrewed car designed by ITS, to go to the event location.
Opening the discussion, Nadiem emphasized that this education needs immediate changes. Later, if the education system in Indonesia is sound, other countries will set an example. Even though it was the first time walking, Nadiem advised not to get tired quickly and be together to go through difficult times. “For the program to run successfully, it can’t be successful once. It takes a second, third try and accompanied by a good evaluation,” said the man who is familiarly called Mas Minister.
He warned the chancellors and heads of study programs at universities not to limit students from participating in the Merdeka Campus program who had the requirement to meet 20 credits per semester. “Don’t make it difficult for students who want to study and semester credits outside their majors. The reason is, times are getting more advanced, and students don’t just need one discipline to be successful in the world of work,” he reminded.
In addition, there are many cases of students studying not according to their interests. Therefore, the MBKM program that can transfer credits outside of these disciplines aims to learn other sciences independently. “It is possible that in the future, after graduating from college, they can have a career with the knowledge that is only given for three semesters,” said Nadiem.
Meanwhile, the Director-General of Higher Education added that in the future, a target of 150,000 students would participate in MBKM, and the Matching Fund will be five times. This increase is expected to be a good starting point for the development of higher education in Indonesia. “It is hoped that later the output of this program can improve the quality of the industrial world, innovation, and development of Indonesia in the future,” said Nizam. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fatima Az Zahra
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