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September 27, 2021 17:09

Diva Becomes the Youngest Doctoral at ITS’s 124th Graduation at 24 years old

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Diva Kurnianingtyas, doktor termuda usia 24 tahun di Wisuda ke-124 ITS dari Departemen Teknik Sistem dan Industri ITS

Diva Kurnianingtyas is the youngest doctoral at the age of 24 at the ITS 124th Graduation from the ITS Industrial and System Engineering Department.

ITS Campus, ITS News –  Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to produce competent young people. There is Diva Kurnianingtyas from the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering. She holds the title as the youngest doctoral graduate in the 124th ITS Graduation procession, next Sunday (10/10), who successfully graduated at the age of 24 years 9 months.

Discussing her educational history, Diva previously took a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering at Brawijaya University with a study period of 3.5 years. After three months working in the field of Data Engineering, he took a scholarship to the Master’s Education program towards a Doctorate for Superior Bachelor (PMDSU) at ITS majoring in System and Industrial Engineering. “I studied at ITS for a year’s master’s and doctoral studies for three years,” she said.


Asked about her motivation to continue her education up to a doctorate, this girl who was born in Malang, December 13, 1996, said that her biggest motivation is to make her mother happy and proud. “To be honest, I never expected to go to college at such a young age. But because of his wishes and prayers (his mother, ed), I was able to reach this point,” she said.


Being the youngest student compared to her college friends, Diva admitted that she faced many challenges. First, he must study quickly to complete his studies on time. Second, studying at a young age is a challenge for him mentally. Especially learning how to control emotions and accept situations that are not always in line with expectations.

Diva Kurnianingtyas saat presentasi dalam International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019) di Macau

Diva Kurnianingtyas during a presentation at International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019) in Macau

“The most important thing is to learn to be patient. Doctoral studies are not like undergraduate and postgraduate studies which continue to learn science, but learn life sciences that have never been obtained before,” added the only daughter of Mrs. Iffah Nur Rahmiyati.


During college, this girl from Malang City developed a lot in projects and research. He has also presented his research several times at international conferences to the publication of Scopus indexed journals. “So far, my fields of interest are Health Planning and Management, Simulation Modeling, Data Mining, Programming, and Optimization,” she explained.


At the end of her studies, in her dissertation. Diva raised the topic of designing, developing, and planning a national health insurance system. The aim is to obtain alternative strategies for health referral mechanisms. So that financial budgets are stable, premiums are affordable, and program quality is improved.


The findings in his dissertation research are crucial factors that cause financial deficits to occur due to participant compliance in paying premiums every month and the ineffectiveness of the referral system. Even though many participants are in arrears, changing the referral or setting of participant premiums is a solution that needs to be considered. “This is because it can reduce the occurrence of a deficit in the financial budget,” said the doctor who is interested in becoming a lecturer.

Diva Kurnianingtyas saat mengikuti International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019) di Balikpapan

Diva Kurnianingtyas at the International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019) in Balikpapan

In the future, Diva wants to focus on increasing her knowledge and ability in optimizing the health sector system as a form of implementing her two disciplines, namely Informatics Engineering and System and Industrial Engineering. “I want the knowledge I received can be useful for myself and others,” she said.


Finally, Diva expressed her gratitude to ITS and the parties in it who have provided the opportunity for her to learn and gain a lot of experience. Not to forget, Diva also gave a message to ITS students, especially those who are studying S3. “Often we forget that everyone has different trials and life paths, we don’t need to compare ourselves with others let alone judge them. Keep the spirit to finish it,” she concluded encouragingly. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Shinta Ulwiya

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