ITS Campus, ITS News – Commemorating the 61st Dies Natalis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) gave awards to their lecturers, education staff, alumni, and outstanding students as an appreciation from ITS. The awards were given for their contributions and services in building and making honorable achievements for ITS. Nine awards were presented by the ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng along with the ITS Vice Rectors virtually, Tuesday (9/11).
This awarding event is held as the appreciation of ITS gratitude for contributing academics. This event also begins the peak of ITS 61st Anniversary which will be held on November 10 tomorrow. “I thank you for your attendance and all the academics dedication to ITS so far,” said this professor of Electrical Engineering.
The first award is Wira Adhiakarya, a heroism award given to ITS lecturers who have contributed and provided benefits to ITS or the community by excelling in a field. The award was given to the late Dr Suhartono MSc, Prof Dr Taslim Ersam MS, Prof Dr Ir Sulistijono DEA, Prof Ir Noor Endah MSc PhD, Prof Ir Supeno Djanali MSc PhD, Prof Ir Eko Budi Djatmiko PhD, Dr Drs Bandung Arry Sanjoyo MIKomp, Putu Gde Ariastita ST MT.
Furthermore, the Wira Adhiaprakarsa award is a heroic award given to lecturers for their role and authority in initiating and developing an organizational unit at ITS to make the organization achieve extraordinary achievements. The award was given to (late) Prof. Ir Rahmat Purwono MSc, Ir Sritomo Wignjosoebroto MSc, Ir Syarifuddin Mahmudsyah MEng, and (late) Ir Susanto.
In addition, Ir Syarifuddin Mahmudsyah MEng is the initiator of establishing The Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS). In his remarks, Syarifuddin, who was present online, briefly told the history of the early establishment of PENS, which was previously part of the ITS campus.
Meanwhile, the Wira Adhidarmakerti award is given to lecturers who have been dedicated, devoted, and disciplined for at least 40 years at ITS. The award was presented to Prof. Dr. Ir Vincentius Totok Noerwasito MT from the Department of Architecture. He is a research lecturer in the field of material utilization. “I feel honored to receive this award because, in my opinion, my work is not prominent and popular, but no matter how small, my work contributes to ITS,” said the professor who is familiarly called Totok.
Next, the Wira Adhiwasesa award was given to ITS alumni who provided services and benefits to ITS and the community. The award was presented to Dr. Eng Hary Budiarto MKom IPM, who is the Head of the Human Resources Research and Development Agency at the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), Ir Lukman Mahfoedz, Ir Mohammad Djaelani, Mohammad Najib, who is the Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain, Ir Boy Robyanto ST MM as Investment Director of Pelindo III, and Mark Wijaya who is the designer of Ayla and Agya cars.
Muhammad Najib said that he hopes to raise ITS’ reputations both nationally and internationally with his new position as Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain. “Spain is famous for its mining and aviation industries. As an ambassador, I have an obligation to help students collaborate in doing practical work. I’m waiting in Madrid”. I’m waiting in Madrid,” he said excitedly.
The Wira Adhibrata award is an award for heroism in contributing to progress. This award was presented to Henry Suwignjo, the Chief Financial Officer of PT Bambang Djaja. He contributes to national electricity, student internship facilities, and scientific support to lecturers and students.
Attending virtually, Henry congratulated ITS for their 61st Anniversary. The company’s collaboration with ITS has been running since the 90s to build electricity in Indonesia. “We always have support from ITS regarding research; hopefully, ITS will be more successful in the future,” he said.
The next award is Wira Adhisatya, a heroic award for superior loyalty and dedication given to ITS education staff who are considered outstanding, have integrity, and can be role models. The award was given to Yudi Mulyono, Lusiana Ariesanti SE, Ariyanto S Sos, Drs Hadi Siswanto, Dr Any Werdhiastutie ST MSi, Dwi Purnomo Hendradata ST, and Anies Rosdyana AMd.
Then, the Wira Adhimukti award was given to ITS students who had outstanding academic and non-academic fields. Awards were given to Amik Rafly Azmi Ulya of the Department of Physics as a team leader Ichiro ITS, Segara Bhagas Dagsapurwa of the Department of Informatics as a team Ichiro ITS, Ahmad Zidan Akbar of the Department of Informatics as a team of robot makers RAISA, Achmad Zaenuri Dahlan Putra from the Department of Information Systems laureates three gold medals and two bronze medals, and Nadya Permata Sari from the Department of Informatics Engineering who also won 3 gold medals and two bronze medals.
Next is Ardi Lukman Hakim from the Department of Chemistry as the winner of four gold medals and three silver medals, Irfan Arvianto from the Department of Business Management as Sociodemy who has income from entrepreneurship above Rp 100 million, Muhammad Adrian from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering as a representative of Outstanding Students ( Mawapres) ITS Academic, Rifqi Nadhif from the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department as the representative of the Vocational Mawapres, Rizky Olda Putri Salsabilla from the Architecture Department as a 2021 KKN participant, and Millads Anwari Fandiaz from the Physics Engineering Department as a 2021 KKN participant.
Furthermore, the winner of the best 2021 Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in the ITS environment was also announced. For the category of study program that has not been certified, it is given to S1 Product Design, S1 Business Management, and S1 Interior Design. The awards for the study programs that have been certified are S1 Architecture, S1 Statistics, S1 Biology.
For the Applied Study Program category, D4 Instrumentation Engineering Technology, D4 Industrial Chemical Technology, and D4 Automation Engineering Technology are awarded. Meanwhile, for the Master Study Program category, Masters in Informatics, Masters in Geomatics Engineering, and Masters in Biology are awarded. Doctoral Study Programs are awarded to Doctoral Degrees in Statistics, Doctoral Programs in Computer Science, and Doctoral Degrees in Civil Engineering.
Finally, the Best Research and Community Service 2021 at 1st place was won by the Statistics Department and 2nd place by the Civil Engineering Department. While the winners of the Best Learning Process 2021 were won by the subjects of Pancasila, Physics, Citizenship, Islamic Religion, Technology Insights, and Technopreneurship. The Best Research Center for the ITS 2021 DRPM Research Center for 1st place was won by the Center for Sustainable Energy Research, 2nd place by the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment Research, and 3rd place by the Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Research. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Silvita Pramadani
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