ITS Campus, ITS News – A proud achievement in this year’s Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) was again achieved by a team from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) last Friday (19/11). This time, the Nogogeni team represented it, who won first place in the Urban category for the Electric Motorcycle class with its flagship car, the Nogogeni VI EVO.
As if turning the clock back, ITS won the Urban category for the Electric Motorcycle class for the fourth time in a row. This time, the Nogogeni Team presented their newest car, the Nogogeni VI EVO, which was able to achieve an efficiency of 187.17 Km/Kwh to win the category. In their struggle to work on the car project, the Nogogeni team was guided by a lecturer from the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering ITS Dedy Zulhidayat Noor ST MT Ph.D.
Dimas Andi Setiawan, General Manager of the ITS Nogogeni team, explained that this category assigned a team to design a vehicle with the best efficiency. At the beginning of the contest, there were 75 teams from various universities. Then 48 teams were passed, selected vehicle design reports, and then 24 teams were given through the selection of making virtual technical inspection videos. “Of the 24 teams, they also became finalists and competed for their efficiency achievements on the track,” explained Dimas.
However, this victory did not come easily. Dimas added that it is quite a challenge for the team in terms of competition itself.
This is because there is limited access to conducting research activities. “There are several team members who I feel are lacking in terms of preparation,” said Dimas.
Furthermore, the student from Madiun said that the car made by the Nogogeni team was made in such a way that it has the maximum efficiency possible. The vehicle is designed with a slight resistance calculation both from the shape of the body and the vehicle’s mechanical system. “And the electrical system is also designed to be able to support the electric motor to work optimally,” explained Dimas.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, this Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department student admitted that he was grateful for his team’s achievements. In times like this, they can still implement their knowledge as students and develop their soft skills and hard skills. “The preparations were carried out for seven months, but in the middle of the year, it stopped and was forced to Work from Home (WFH) due to adjusting to pandemic conditions and applicable policies,” he added.
Do not immediately fall into euphoria after winning; according to Dimas, in the car’s development this time, several obstacles became valuable evaluations for the team. It is like a controller design and technology that can be simpler but still has good performance. “We will study this year’s evaluation and optimize it again to obtain even higher efficiency and be able to defend the championship title,” he added.
In the final session of the interview, Dimas hoped that in the future, the ITS Nogogeni team could still maintain their achievements and improve their performance in various competitions both nationally and internationally. They believe that in-depth research and good team performance will bring victory to this team. Of course, Nogogeni will again hone his ability to defend his championship title at KMHE in the future. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma
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