ITS Campus, ITS News – The Indonesian Student Bidikmisi program hopes that it can support Indonesia’s dream to produce a golden generation in 2045. In this regard, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) commemorates the 10th anniversary of ITS Bidikmisi (BIMITS) through an activity titled Dinamits – Through a Decade: Creating Creative, Courageous, and Authoritative Millennials, which was held online, Saturday (16/10).
The Dynamics ceremony was opened with remarks and thanks by the Chancellor of ITS, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng. He hopes that this one-decade anniversary can be momentum for self-reflection so that BIMITS becomes an organization that continues to advance to help build students’ future. “Keep working and bring Indonesia to the golden age,” said the rector, who is familiarly called Ashari, in his opening video.
This event was also attended by Prof. Dr. Ir Mohammad Nuh as Mr. Bidikmisi Indonesia, who sparked the idea of the Bidikmisi scholarship program to prepare the generation for 100 years of Indonesia’s independence. He explained that the Bidikmisi program is an aid program for outstanding students but has economic limitations. “The bidikmisi program is prepared for Indonesia Emas 2045, and ITS is one of the university’s targets,” said the man from Surabaya.
The exposition of the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), who is familiarly called Noah, about bidikmisi continues until the periodization of the plan for the glory of Indonesia in 2045. In his presentation, 2010 to 2040 is planned as the demographic bonus period.
Meanwhile, 2041 to 2050 is the heyday of Indonesia. This ITS Professor of Biomedical Engineering said that Indonesia was targeted to have a productive and prosperous population. “Based on these designs, Indonesia is predicted to reach its golden age,” said the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) chairman.
In addition, Nuh said, the Bidikmisi program was created to realize the aspirations of students to be able to study as high as possible even though they come from families with limited economies. With this Bidikmisi program, of course, the students themselves need hope or enthusiasm to continue their education. “We will make the impossible possible,” concluded the former ITS Chancellor for the 2003-2007 period.
Agreeing with Noah’s words, Birrul Qodriyyah SKep Ns MSc, one of the LPDP scholarship recipients presented as the second speaker at this event, said that a student must learn and have high curiosity to open horizons. Sharing knowledge is also one of the essential points in someone who wants to open their horizons. “Students who share knowledge will always think of solutions,” the woman from Bantul reminded.
He continued, three components support students always to be productive: working with memory, good management in life, and thinking outside the box. “Of the three, we must always find a plan in life,” said the graduate of nursing.
Birrul also revealed that students not only learn but also have to gain experience. One example is by participating in organizations, building relationships, and other non-academic activities. Students are expected to be able to help the community and leave a mark while in lectures. “Students must provide a quality track during their studies,” concluded the 2013 bidikmisi scholarship winner.
Ending the Dinamits ceremony, the presenters hoped that students, including Bidikmisi ITS (BIMITS), could be helpful and lead to a just, democratic, and prosperous Indonesia. In addition, he also has a strong character and can make a real contribution to the progress of society. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: ion24/Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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